*ruins your season*

*ruins your season*

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The character is fine, Buscemi was a bad choice

I liked him :)

Such a shitty fucking actor compres to everyone else. Stands out like a sore thumb

ruins everything he's ever been in

To be fair all the other characters had several seasons to establish their characters whereas Buscemi was just Buscemi.

Yeah nah, just compre the acting prowess in any scene he is with any other main character


>bad actor
itt. literal retards

I actually thought it was a good choice because something always felt slightly "off" about him which sort of explains why he goes fucking mental towards the end of the season.

nah nothing ruins the sopranos even the worst parts are elevated by everything around them, if you fast forward or skip anything in the sopranos you are genuine brainlet

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Tony B partially ripped off Cutty from the wire anyway
>freshly relaxed convict trying to go legit and fight the allure of crime and pressure from his companions

Cutty's first appearance was September 19, 2004, whereas Tony B's first appearance was March 14, 2004. I think it's safe to say that Cutty partially ripped off Tony B.

Fuckin' weirdo if you ask me.

not exactly a unique plotline with criminals retard user

Cutty was kiddy fiddler.

Niggers getting filtered by the Busc

imagine being so wrong

I dunno man, the episode where Chris is hanging out with John Favreau (not going to look up how it’s actually spelled) and all the kids are suddenly quoting Schopenhauer and Nietzsche for no reason is pretty fucking rough.

I wanna see you squirm as you try to defend Meadow's college scenes that don't involve any of the other family members.

not him but finn was a kino machino

Those weren't really college scenes. I'm talking about when she was living in the dorm and and had the mulatto bf and the weird roommate.

Yeah he sticks out. Too weak of a body to seem intimidating.
Even in scenes like these, where overall the acting seems decent the back of my head goes "this guy wouldn't be able to fight of 2 teenager muggers".

People point out Tony B’s sudden appearance feels unnatural because there’s no hint to him at all in the previous and all of sudden were meant to believe that Tony had a cousin he considered to be close as a brother in the past. HOWEVER, while it’s fair to point this out, Tony is to the type of person to repress his feelings so it would make sense for him not to mention his cousin m, he feels guilty over his arrest. It’s not that big of a deal. Ralphie came out of nowhere as well and he was great

Hey you,yes you,shut your fuckin mouth

Every rewatch I skip the rape scene.