ITT: Shows only you remember

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that show was such a disappointment after the genius that was Stella (the original sketch shorts and the short lived Comedy Central show) i guess it really proved David Wain was the real brains in that trio

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Wain did his own series with the Black & Showalter at the time which mogged Michael & Michael Have Issues

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*without Black & Showalter

I remember them. They just weren't that good. They weren't the worst thing I've ever seen, but they didn't really merit getting more seasons.

Is that Childrens Hospital prequel?

the original stella shorts and live shows were great. the comedy central show was good but kinda forgettable

Stella was great
I remember the only version of this show that was findable had Mind of Mencia promos burned into it lol
truly one of the shows of all time

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For me, it was Human Giant. Before I got tired of I sneeze I'm sorry.

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Wain was pretty much the real genius of The State on MTV as well, was never that front in center in sketches in front of the camera, but pretty much all the most memorable sketches on the show he had a lot of creative control over (either writing or directing) you can see early glimpses of his genius at work there he'd later put to use in all his movies like Wet Hot American Summer and The Ten and such

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I liked this one. Too bad it got canceled. It ended with a cliffhanger.

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they all kinda splintered off into their own cliques after the show ended. There was the Stella/Wain/Showalter/Black group and the Reno 911/Viva Variety group, and Ken Marino and Joe LoTruglio seemed to pop up in a lot of the same stuff together. only one i never seen again was the redhead gay

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I remember that.

Michael Ian Black was on top of the world early to mid 2000's constant regular on VH1 and then? nothing

What was that one POV show that came out around that time where you were the guy in the story on Comedy Central?

i remember taping that entire 24 hour Human Giant marathon they did might still have that somehere it was so long it filled 3 full VHS tapes. i used to autistically tape everything back then on VHS in the 90s and 2000s no idea why i usually never went back and watched most of it

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He's an unfunny talentless Jew who was given a job out of nepotism. What do you expect?

MySpleen would like to have your tapes

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i remember at one time he was considered the most successful member of The State, between all those talking head VH1 shows and being on that sitcom Ed (who else remembers that one?)

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>i used to autistically tape everything back then on VHS in the 90s and 2000s no idea why
user I have some bad news
you might want to sit down for this
it's because you're autistic

still have my old myspleen account actually, need to go looking through them one of these days im sure theyre covered in a thickett of dust lel

that time adult swim aired the pilot of a cartoon by rapper David Banner

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well no duh, if it wasnt an autist id probably have a life kek if i was normal i sure as hell wouldnt be hanging out on Any Forums at 2AM lujlz

you make an excellent point

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I remember this was absurdly popular at my high school for how shit it was

i cant be the only one who liked this moronic show

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you contain multitudes

was thinking about this and Wanderlust today in the car

oh yeah forgot his other show. comedy central had a lot of hidden gems like that back in the day that came and went and were never heard from again

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Same. Bought it on DVD finally a few years ago.