/bb/ big brother 24

HOH: Turndaddy
NOMS: Taylor, Britt

previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/sp/search/subject/big brother/page/3/



michael on the bike while upstairs plots his doom

>mists brittany into giving up her whole game

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turner alyssa Kyle wholesome final 3. Also 3 whites would make twitter melt down and kys themselves

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>whoever gets to play, we just have to like kill yourself
wtf big t

michael being a bitter faggot is surely gonna try to poison the jury against turner and kyle with his band of retards

this is how he's been winning comps

he might surprise with his sportsmanship. Joseph is already bitter beyond belief.

he already talked about how the first person to break up the leftovers wouldn't get his vote

that’s pathetic, thought he was a “superfan”
I guess he and Daniel aren’t so different.

>we'd be playing chinese checkers and he'd just start pitchin
>open my eyes and he'd be right there

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can someone post a link to the archive of ianb owl when he won? I was looking through my bookmarks and lost it and was looking for a picture

it opened my eyes when he bitched to the camera with so much vitriol about joseph and kyle worrying about their jury votes when they were double agents with the other side

>superfan gets outplayed by a tiktoker recruit

just search sp archive for bb in subject

you love to see it

it's still the day it happened, give him time. right now you're being the same bitter retard he is over some words.

>alyssa knows all the history of this game, she remembers drew vs diane that happened when she was 5 years old

which one has 2012? 4plebs?

Yes but I'm not a homo or a jew like Michael

he wants to expose the kyle cookout theory from a month ago if the veto doesn't play out well
he's a bitch

it only matters if he does it

archive.4plebs.org/sp/search/subject/big brother/page/3/

are you fucking kidding me go back to HOH

he's now in an alliance with 2 black people I'm not sure how much weight that would carry

>no panama poster
>i am alone

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LOL based if he does it

Satan rides with you user

Plus if Kyle used the veto on Taylor to backdoor Michael he's saving a black person to send home a white person.

but that would be based?
stir the post michael don't just silently soak in information

do you remember those pills you swallowed earlier? everything should be coming back into focus and seeming a little more reasonable now
no simulations, no paloma, no greek yachts or pink planes

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he got pooched

I haven't been watching that much but i'm happy for Big T i'm happy he wasn't just a bump on a log. He's boring and cliff hogg was very annoying in certain ways but I feel bad for old dudes who are smart enough to know they have basically a 0% chance to win the whole game