/got/hotd Deleted edition


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what the fuck happened? did someone post cp?

you got some splaining to do jannies

the fuck was that

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Must be that time of the month(pretend)

Uh oh. Looks like some HOT D has got someone hot and bothered.

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She's like :3

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amazon paying jannies to delete hotd and protect lotr

i looked for you on the catalog

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Theon says his namesake is Theon, the hungry Wolf, Stark. Why would the Greyjoy name and heir after a Stark, specially a Stark who BTFO the ironborn?

Jannies are Velaryons

and i'm like :)

This is literally a currently running show. Why the hell was the thread deleted?


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official Dance of the Dragons Targ ranking from best to worst
>Daeron the Daring
>Aemond One-Eye
>Daemon Targaryen
>Jacaerys Strong
>Aegon II
>Rhaenys Targaryen
>Baela Targaryen
>Rhaena Targaryen
>Hugh Hammer
>Aegon III/Viserys II
>the other strong boys

rhaenyra - monkee queen
rhaenys - monkee queens aunt who didn't get thrown
rhaena - not a character yet

do i have this right?

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offseason it was closed on sight for some reason i cant comprehend


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We we're not there

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um, excuse me sweetie, but nyra is #1 best

>Your grace, the jannies have turned their eyes to us

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Rhaenys is Rhaenyra's first cousin, once removed. She and Rhaenyra's father Viserys (the king) have the same grandparents. Otherwise, yes.

literally did nothing right

>God damn Janny's are fucking stupid

Thats what happened to the kast thread. Banned for posting about a character.

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Cause Theon Stark was a badass that went around sailing the seas fucking up whoever decided to become a threat to his North. The ironborn when they came a-reavin' and took Bear Island, and he rolled up and killed the Ironborn Kings son and drove them off. They respect the fuck out of him for it.


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Some butthurt mod and or janitor is trolling because we're not talking about ROPe

Stop spamming GoT shit. The show is HotD.


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>people are using Any Forums for it's intended purpose?

when you don't have a live and you force yourself to stay as the moderator on a forum whose community you despise you start doing shit like that. one hundred golden stags that its a mod or a janny trolling because we're not talking about the amazong lotr show

He wasn't an heir to the Greyjoy iirc, he had older brothers before Balon's suicidal rebellion

what did Stannis mean by this?


>before Balon's suicidal rebellion
which one? lmao

this fking makes sense then why threads get deleted. same old /got/ stuff being thrown around. Posting new stuff then. I'll start.

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