It's so fucking good

It's so fucking good

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Where are the other 4 babylons?

Bad taste

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shit i was gonna make that joke

Destroyed, except for Babylon 4 which was stolen so the Mimbari could have a free space station in the past.

It really is. The Londo and G'kar storylines are the best scifi stories I've ever seen on television. G'kar's arc alone is just so amazing and I don't think any other sci-fi show will ever be able to replicate it. I can't imagine any show in this day and age would depict an actual alien genocide and then have their leader forgive the man responsible for it and even become his friend while becoming space ghandi.

It's the best pleb filter.

Im sorry it's garbage

Yeah we know

it's still my favorite space opera
there is no way this could be made today
now, it would be written by a committee

whys it garbage ?
i know theres always the argument at what did cheap scifi better but i always thought farscape knew it was awfully camp and just joked about itself as a comedy.

It is being remade though, with full trannyness this time

More like Londo and G'kino


>yet another unneeded remake
JMS isn't in full creative control, is he?
they aren't going to let him write the whole thing, are they?
remakes are cancer

I'm half way through s3 and it feels like quite a slog, when do things pick up ?

hes involved but who knows how much

I mean he didn't write all of the original series either, you can clearly see individual episodes have different writing credits

zoomer retard, kill yourself

the battlestar galactica remake was great
who knows, maybe it will be good

Aren't they remaking that remake again?

do any scifi shows compare to B5?

I like both.

Whoa whoa whoa. Where do you think you are? That's strictly not allowed here.

There is Star Trek Deep Space 9 but I'll let others go into that one.