Rich people wear masks and fuck naked women

>rich people wear masks and fuck naked women
Was this supposed to be shocking?

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Who were they?

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They look like the VIPs

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They couldn't get enough child actors for the orgy scenes, that's why there's this weird disconnect between the shock Tom Cruise's character lives through and what we actually see. Dude was ready to cheat on his wife out of jealousy, I don't think he would've been shocked because adult men and women are having an orgy (what he was there for initially.) He's in denial, his eyes are wide shut.

Back then it was a huge deal. It was as if today they reveal that Trump says derogatory shit about his electorate.

rich people are always demonized by shitty artists. we all know rich people are smarter than poor people, and that you'd rather live in a rich neighborhood than a poor one. it's the poor areas where children are mass raped, murdered, etc. by unemployed mean spirited low iq retards. rich people are too busy working to keep the society running.

It supposed to be mysterious

there is hardly any threat to the events if it's not kids
adults fucking adults, like who cares?
why should tom cruise be scared at all?

Kill yourself, Schlomo

because he gatecrashed a weird sex party for extremely rich and powerful people who would kill to keep their secrets and not face public embarrassment, you fucking retard


Dude, if it was just people fucking, it wouldn't such a big deal. And he was shitting his pants before he got caught

Victor Ziegler and wife

Honestly, what kind of vile animal fucks naked women? Horrifying

Jew detected

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if it was just adults, they'd probably roast him for being a poorfag, then invite him in
there's seriously no threat unless the cult is doing deranged stuff like kids

It opened the eyes of a lot of people

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How? Sex scandals are huge business. Kim K got famous from a sex tape.

The president of Indonesia had an orgy with Russian spies and then got excited when they blackmailed him with the video.


Brainlet take

Secret societies are secret that's the point, not only sex and orgies happen with these people

Kubrick used the silhouettes of the actors/actresses sitting on their knees and legs at the start of the ritual to make the viewer question if they were children or not. Obviously you cant show illegal shit in a movie user.

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clothes shop owner and daughter

The modern obsession with “elite pedophiles” is a secular version of the Satanic Panic

Dude, the movie is titled "Eyes Wide Shut", he's in denial about almost everything in his life, namely the relationship between him and his wife, and whatever happened at the event.

Hello, Jeffrey. The satanic panic was indeed half baked horseshit, but the pedophile rings definitely exist.

Why would some russian immigrant be at a party for powerful and influential people?

The vast majority of “pedo rings” are toothless white trash methtweakers and nigger pimps sharing the children of junkies

yes, and those pedophile rings are ran by low iq "refugees" from third worlds for other low iq "refugees". where are all the rich people?

Was it supposed to be bad?

>where are all the rich people?

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