Raised by wolves /rbw/

marcus best boy edition

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Now that the series is most likely being discontinued, is it worth watching S2?


yeah, of course. it's not as expansive as s1, but it still does a bunch of interesting stuff. it settles and examines what's presently around.

Nah. It just meanders about for 7 episodes, doing fuck all to move the plot. Then some weird shit happens, psycho robot chick goes on a killing spree, cgi monster in an acid lake so on so on.

but it's ridley's baby
i want to believe that he'll do something about it

what's your opinion of season 1 then?


I hope so too. Things were just getting interesting.

I wonder the same thing. Actually liked it for the most part.

I’m still mad.

yes, Praise Sol

t b h it's not entirely clear whether it won't get renewed for another season
it's just on hold right now

Raised by Wolves - cancelled
Marco Polo - cancelled

What is wrong with these people? The most epic, most interesting shows on the planet get cancelled. They don't understand that these epic shows are what have *infinite* value for the streaming site. They can run these shows for 20 years and people will still like to watch them throughout multiple generations.
Nobody is going to give a crap about Better Call Saul after the reddit people stopped caring. It's a shit show unless you got fan hooked first by Breaking Bad.


This show is a luciferian inversion of reality and you’re all fucking retards for watching it. The elites are laughing at you.

desu tbqh after s2 i wouldn't put it past someone in charge looking at how raised by wolves shrinks its worlds and gets stuck in this bumfuck desert doing wacky shit, and going "welp, looks like they've wrote themselves out. pack it up boys". it felt cramped and small.

Man, this show was retarded

generally they cancel shows because there weren't enough viewers. or i guess in streaming time enough watched minutes

I get the feeling the show went in a totally weird direction that alienated the potential audience.

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this weird direction was completely making sense because s1 was already tweaking out as it went on

ireally liked it, but I felt that it was a budget thing, however the showruner ws clearly trying his best to convey the circumstance and a lot of really great stuff came from it, in short kodos to the creator, if he can't get more seasons then I hope he writes a book, or commissions a graphic novel series, or just tells us what happens

no it "weirdly" enough all makes sense it was so much fun, great world, the writer has said he knows the story so I guess we will get the rest of it somehow, but fuck it was a good story with clear and clearly planned out narratives which always paid off, but brought on a lot more questions.

bring rbw back

I doubt the "creators" own the rights to do anything, but who knows except the parties who made the contracts to create and finance the show


Ignore this pleb. Watch it if you want but expect a terrible plot and more weird shit inexplicably happening.

this, praise Sol

You're right, but it's just not what audience drawn to this kind of show wanted. Who can forget all the SPACE PALADINS clamoring? Allegoric snake story wasn't really what most people wanted. In a sense, it's weird someone read the scripts for two existing seasons and approved them.

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the guy who made it said, like carnivale, if he cannot get it made if no-one will take a chance on his kino, he will at least tell the story of what he was going to do, clearly the two kids of the necro and marcus are cain and able but which is which?

>like carnivale
Now you've made me sad.

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>what people wanred
thats the real shame I wanted this, others clearly wanted this but not enough, this story is a batshit crazy perfectly constructed sci-fi novel, in the form of a tv show and its been axed, because yea, can't tell a good story anymore, have to just pander.

it will and forever and always remain too soon, that show will not be discussed ever