5.8 on imdb

>5.8 on imdb
>boring, mediocre, disappointment, painfully average, snoozefest etc.

are they right? is it really that bad?

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I'd say that's about right.

Unlike Turning Red, I actually finished it instead of turning it off 7 minutes in due to how insufferable it was.

turning red is also bad?

it was such a success!

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did you watch these movies by yourself or with someone?

critics loved the shit out of it!
Parents not so much since it is about a 13yo whoring on onlyfans

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It was pushed to streaming and skipped the theaters due to covid. If you’re gonna be a chud, atleast don’t be an embarrassing one.

Excuses, excuses 9000.

its modern disneyshit for kids...

yeah maybe the month of backlash prior to that weren't responsable for it no no, either way still a failure, doesn't matter if it was displayed only on the roastie ceo home or worldwide african villages included

Western animation is over. You might find some cool passion project in Europe, usually shorts due to their lack of money, but that's it. It's one more aspect of the cultural decline of the white man. Animation and creativity can be found now only in Japan and Korea. That's why anime has become mainstream when a decade ago you would be ostracized if you dare to admit you enjoy anime. Kimetsu no yaiba, spy family banana fish... tv shows like Alice in Wonderland, Squid Game, Crash landing on you, Zombies in High School... Korea and Japan has surpassed the west and that's why so many white women are going to Seoul to have sex with then. Hairy and stinky white men with their beards can't compete with fair skin skinny koreans. It's over for you

> lead is uninteresting and a pushover
> supporting cast is annoying and forgettable
tone is dour and boring (compared to the source material)
>nothing memorable came out of it
>was this a story that needed to be told?


All is good in this world

Absolutely correct. Buzz was boring and without character, which is disappointing considering how much fun he is in Toy Story. The plot was boring and predictable. His "wacky team of misfits" are utterly forgettable at best or infuriatingly, hate-inducingly incompetent at worst. That would be Taika Waititi's character right there. The fact Buzz takes them on as his permanent team of rangers at the end is not logical or understandable whatsoever, at no point did they prove themselves able, let alone likeable. The moment wasn't earned.
The idea of time dilation is pretty interesting and absolutely could have been a heart-wrenching plot device if they used it correctly, too bad that's only really relevant in the first act. Better movies have pulled it off. I regret watching it.

It's amazing, but chuds can't handle 2 strong women being on screen and not lusting over men.

It was on a streaming surface you mongoloid

>you know what we should pour $200 million in?
>a movie about Buzz Lightyear lore, something literally no one but the most infantile of 40 y.o. Milennial manchildren give a fuck about!
- statements by the deranged

Are you talking about the boring, mediocre, disappointment, painfully average, snoozefest parts? Then yes, it's ridiculously accurate.

Why is his face so fat

No, it’s worse.
