The downfall of a career in one travel segment

the downfall of a career in one travel segment.

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Is there anything worse than an anti-counter culture "comedian"?

His fifteenth dose of monkeypox

jewish privilege in one picture

Chuds be seethin’.

Based zaslav cancelled his hbo max show

According to the rumors Conan is gonna clean cars for jay leno now

>Haiti is so nice
>rides around with personal security and stays at some walled off resort with security
Really makes you think it’s not a shithole

it must be so hard basing your entire personality on Fox News talking points

How did he go from Triumph the insult comic dog to that?

with Conan retired now, whats andy gonna do now that he dont got conan to leech off anymore?

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do people really not understand that haiti already embodies all the ways trump thought would make america great? and that was the joke?

bitch on twitter

Its a kino picture honestly. Looks like the final scene of a 4 season series about an ex-con travel agent, his complex family drama and previous crimes catching up with him

Probably go back to watching gay porn, he loves that stuff

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Take me back to NBC Conan. TBS Conan sucks.

>Trump states the obvious fact that Haiti is a shithole
>instead of acknowledging that even a broken clock is right twice a day, Conan tries to prove him wrong
classic blunder

Imagine vitue signalling so hard over Haiti when Family Guy essentially said the same thing years ago.

He was literally carried by NBC writers.

It's such a strange hill to die on. There were so many people determined to contradict everything he had to say even if they made themselves look utterly retarded in the process.


>"This isn't a shithole country!"
>Goes to the gentrified resort part where barely of the actual residents live

Not any harder than basing your entire identity on opposing them.

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Based digits. The last two remind me of that horrible tragedy.

Basically Conan replying to Trump bashing Haiti with " well the tourist resorts are nice".

Oh no

You mean just living normally

>Max Weinberg leaves
>goes to shit
Give the drummer some love.

To be fair, you pretty much have to do that in america too

Ahem... I just wanted to let you know that your "president" lost to Joe Biden in 2020 in a free and fair election. No amount of cope will undo this. Have a good night!

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Whatever happen to his new show?

Andy Richter the Swedish-German?