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Whoa he’s le guilty…just like my jimmy mcgill ending

I want to cum inside elizabeth

For me its far left

>Dog's sloppy seconds
My dude I get you, I really do, but have some standards, in public at least.

I fucking hate this pretentious game, how the fuck did people give this crap such a high score?
>gameplay wise it was following the COD trend of:
>move to a location, fight baddies in a set space, move on
>pseudo-intellectual story that tries hard to sound mature but just falls flat like a high-schooler attempting literature
>DLC (other than its retcons) destroys the mysterious vibe that the original Bioshock setting has set, pandering to low-IQs because a Show don't Tell presentation isn't enough
If you haven't play the series, do yourself a favor and play the first one, and then the second. Ignore the DLC completely as it destroys the entire aesthetic of what Bioshock strives to be.

>Millenials this adapting this is a good idea
the generation that loves the Disney Trilogy ladies and gentlemen

this shit made no fucking sense.

>made no fucking sense
It's okay to be dumb anons

I remember playing it at launch and constantly wondering why the game kept throwing enemies at me in these setpiece locations when I was playing on 1999. I kept trying to run and gun like every shooter had always been but the game would stop me. The first two games were super easy for me on hard, I just gave up trying to play this one that way. Breeze through for the story and I'm done. Glad I never bothered with the DLC.

>that first time seeing elizabeth in the corset



>I'm getting that hand

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Starbucks game?

>protagonist ((white male(you)) is actually the bad guy
>the only way to stop evil is to literally kill yourself
very subtle

If you're impressed with Infinite you ought to get your IQ tested.

I still don't get why they needed to kill when the Multiverse means there will be still be an infinity amount of Bookers and Cumsocks anyway

Explain it and we'll all laugh at you that you think it's smart

Go on then

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>A man chooses. A simp obeys.

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Bioshock 1 was truly special. I think a movie could actually work, too, but it would have to be almost three hours long. A series would be too drawn out unless it was like four one-hour episodes, but I'm not a huge fan of that format.
Lots of easy moments to just copy-paste right into film. The intro to the game is amazing but could be made even better easily. There could be a scene about needing to kill a Big Daddy for the Adam and the anxiety would translate easily over. I'm sure actors would love their cartoonish characters and, if they were willing to have fun with it like Irons in D&D, they could deliver a truly bizarre yet captivating performance.
Wish I could play it again for the first time. Maybe when I fall off the wagon I'll revisit it.
>is a man not entitled to the taste of his cum?

I ended up hating it by the time I got to the end but at least the porn was good.

Nothing about Bioshock Infinite makes any goddamn sense. The plot of the DLCs should be impossible.

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wish they did more with the WASP vs wog civil war theme 2bh

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