this site is going to fill up with even more brown """"""people"""""

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what the fuck is his plan?

I WILL teach a tribal African about Sneed.

no thank you we have way too many as it is

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It's already been over.
Look at the comments for any capeshit trailer on YouTube.
SnyderSirs were only the beginning.


more twitter followers for his memes

>I ain't never met a nigga smart enough to use a personal computer.
>Not even a Macintosh.

Attached: ruckus-mlk.jpg (720x480, 69.31K)

>And it'll cost only $499 a month

My passion is teaching african refugees javascript

>offer better internet service than any other provider on Earth
>achieve monopoly of all telecommunications on Earth as all other providers gradually go out of business
>build Mars base
>declare independence
>Earth can't do shit because he can just turn off their communications tech and they no longer have any alternative to his services

all the good posters already moved on to the other ibs

t. knower

Attached: kohl class.png (593x584, 13.79K)

Good luck to him getting out of low orbit with all of the space junk that he's creating.

but we still come here?

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>>build Mars base
so he's delusional

we successfully decolonized the internet from mayo apes

Third worlders in their actual countries tend to be funny as fuck. It's the annoying second generation woke-scolds and consumerist onions ones that can go fuck themselves.

We would flood actual africans, indians, pakistanis, and hispanics here and the conversations would be basically Any Forums

Where at?

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>create problem
>charge for the solution
Elon is based as shit

Can you please just suck his dick already Christ

that's because they're higher castes are the ones posting

once internet is basically free you'll get the true homo erectus peasants in here

I like some of the shit Elon does and says but God damn are his cultists cringey.

The other imageboards are actually dogshit no different than a discord server. Places where so few people post that everyone knows, or suspects they know, who the other posters are. Places where the mods are attention whores who think them banning posters is part of shitposting and that everybody loves them. If there were actually solid alternatives to Any Forums, we'd all be there, and no one would ever waste their time here. But there aren't, there once was, but it doesn't exist anymore. Any Forums is a terrible place to post, and yet it's still the best place to post.

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oh look another thing musk is doing that is going to under deliver if it doesn't outright fail.

>elon musk announces something interesting
>retards eat it up, having forgotten his last 10 rug pulls
Stop giving this dude your attention.

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3rd worlders are low iq and stupid af. brazilians invaded the other ib i'm at and its so fucking shit compared to what it was before. that and the poles constantly spamming how they'll kill russians

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>you'll come back, they all come back

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This one especially riles me up. He's killing stargazing. Destroying a human tradition for thousands of years so people can live online in perpetuity for more ad sales and geotargeted data. I wish I could stone his South African ass to death.

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Like these niggers will be able to afford it
If anything this will get more rural TrumpChads on board that can't access otherwise

>Any Forums is a terrible place to post, and yet it's still the best place to post
it's always been that way. how much money do i need to buy it from hiro?

Yeah, I'm sure, just like he's going to terra forming Mars and building the underground super highway?

I like how we have/had a choice in the manner too.

>He's killing stargazing

What do you think happens when you put a bunch of ugly metal objects in orbit around the Earth?


How good is your fucking eyesight?

What makes you think they will have any interest in shitposting on Any Forums?

How often do you have to replace your sneakers?

You can see satellites bud.

Light pollution already killed stargazing.