
Model edition

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massaging rhaeny's crotch with your face after she goes dragon riding

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Based Jon’s ancestor thread. Thank you, OP.

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>tfw Rickon and Dickon become the gay emporers of Essos

Attached: a cute.gif (245x245, 817.37K)


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we know, random kingsguard knight

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I can't believe they killed of Cregan Stark...

She looks like Matt Damon

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>best girl

Attached: best melly.webm (1754x816, 2.92M)

bros... she's so fun...

Attached: fun emilia.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

i love giving my niece stuff. this was a comfy scene

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If you were in Rhaenyra's position, would you go forward with your claim? Knowing you're a woman but appointed heir to the throne?

i think its gonna be a good time if he pulls off the loyal asshole well

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I would marry uncle user

I wonder if people are going to try to push the Daemon/goldcloaks = police brutality/BLM narrative.

Anything to show up those Hightower shits

best girl was Ramsay's girlfriend

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>monke when you're hiding under her dress eating her out

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Who are the Hightowers? (no bully pls)


>monke thinking of the smell you endure for her

I have her nose, hair, and eye color.

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((They)) are the glowies of ASOIAF

she's so ugly...

>Reminder Bran the Builder was so powerful he built the wall 700 feet tall and 300 miles long. He's also the last hero

I think he will. If he doesn't I have no one to root fir besides the maesters

The Hand, his daughter (Rhaenyra's friend Alicent), and their family


>implying anyone cares about the gay ice zombies and the norf

also they are the lords of Oldtown, which is where the maesters hang out

The only blacks in Westeros are friends with Daemon, so probably not

>Make Daemon the police brutality guy
>He fights for team Black
>Rhaenyra's children are black
Interesting choice. Though it'll be funny when it's revealed that Rhaenyra's husband is a gay cuck and it's Daemon's kids that are the final victors

lets gooo

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Thank you. Maesters are teachers, right?

I'd like to introduce everyone to my new wife.

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Teachers, doctors, basically the only ones with actual knowledge

>'Sire, playing with lego doesn't make you a 'cringe faggot'

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these threads move too fast for me

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I finally figured out who that bitch reminded me of

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hard to believe this was the safest sport in medieval westeros.

why is the cinematography so janky and choppy? you can barely tell the choreography of the actors because it's so messy


>8 cuts total in the fight, most of them to show the reactions of the crowd, choreography is crystal clear and you can see every sword blow and its deflection


>20+ pointless cuts with no general direction whatsoever, and just to disorient the viewer while shaking the camera around, it's hard to even see the choreography let alone the swordplay

fuck the grey rats all of my homies hat the grey rats

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What's this skin color called?


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cute monke

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she's very cute.

>mfw people dont understand that all they'd have to do is shrink down to live in the perfect miniature world

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She's Australian so she has to be my wife

god she's so hot

absolute perfect

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that's a good thing, I remember after the finale /got/ died. One of the saddest days on this site

>Westworld takes place inside King Viserys' models

Bold of HBO to lean into the crossover so quickly

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she was really beautiful in Thoroughbreds. Kind of falls apart in the third act but the first two are comfy as fuck.

Melisandre's foot pussy...

What is this model based on? The red keep?

we here, we're always here

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I am somewhat surprised (and delighted) that House of the Dragon has rekindled so much of the Game of Thrones zeitgeist. I hope it continues. These threads are so comfy.

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this scene was so awkward to watch, I hated every second of it

makes it more dynamic and action packed, plus they don't have to train the actors are much to make the fights look real

Poor Viserys, born in the wrong world. He could've just been the average fa/tg/uy.

I give it a 5/5 because Anya-Taylor Joy and Olivia Cooke are so comfy

Dragonstone is on the left, the rest is probably what he wants to add to the island.