MC grows up and becomes a chad

>MC grows up and becomes a chad

Attached: tumblr_inline_oi6u1w2r5G1tp8o7s_640.png (635x440, 276.81K)

He becomes Jewish?

Timmy's Dad was a based kike hater

it literally says jew hater on the lunchbox dudes

I bet he and Tootie finished the whole Kamasutra (she forced it on him of course)

how come he looks so different here from the episode where he wishes to be older and goes bald and shit.

he applied himself

>bad ending is canon

>MC grows up and becomes a sleaze

Attached: Dl4RNzeX0AIoFXW.jpg (719x996, 60.34K)

based waltuh white

Attached: F.png (509x576, 612.64K)

>MC grows up and dies in a volcano

Attached: timmy dies.webm (1280x720, 1.49M)

>MC dies and is reincarnated as a fairy with the voice of his child self

Attached: timmy is dead inside.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

Attached: MV5BNjJlN2QxZGUtYTU2OC00ZWIwLTkyZWMtMTg1N2MwZTliMjBjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTEzMTI1Mjk3._V1_.jpg (2000x995, 164.33K)

Is this real?

But if the kids got fairies doesn't that imply Timmy is a neglectful father

Why are they filming on an unfinished set?

I laughed hard at this when i was a kid but now hits too close to home. Specially the hair on the back part

>not Vicky


Attached: 1604024161257.jpg (1200x870, 246.15K)

best girl



just pulled it of my old chem folder