People only kiss his ass because he died

People only kiss his ass because he died

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did this guy really kill himself over losing his hair

no, you see. He played a romantic chad in 1996 teen comedy. Big star.

It Will be the same with You.

nah, he was a pretty promising actor

You Love Her Coz She's Dead

Yes and I would too. Imagine being bald

Accidental overdose. I doubt any actor or successful person would kys over something so small.

I got you beat, OP.

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looked better with beard

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colin farrell was better than him in dr Parnassus

He was an incredible joker despite what retard contrarions say, and a knights tail was kino

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As much as you contrarians try to deny it, his joker was incredible and he died right after that, giving the whole thing an air of mystery. That’s why he’s praised.

>Bob Dylan BotT phase
>Knights Tale
>Lords of Dogtown

He was in some good movies and it's a real shame he died so soon. Imagine the kino that could have been. His scenes in TDKR would have elevated that movie beyond blessing us with baneposting.

People kissed his ass because he died delivering a once in a lifetime performance that he couldn't have done if he wasn't destroying his health to achieve it, which ultimately killed him. No one gives a shit about any of his other roles.

This was actually kino. Even the Bowie.

based catcher in the rye eliminating phoneys

You don't even understand talent, let alone why he was a great actor.

Brokeback Mountain?

Ten Things I Hate About--ACK

>giving the whole thing an air of mystery.

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