How did they get away with the final season?

>Half of the episodes dedicated to flash sideways
>The end shows that everything that happens in these flashes is pure fantasy and never existed
>The final scene is literally people hugging and smiling at a church

How? Just how? People had no critical sense back in 2010? Imagine if the final season of Breaking Bad showed flashes of Walt having no cancer and living a happy life and that's it. I can understand how anyone think this is ok.

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user, there was crazy island shit and nuke stuff happening

Everyone had already stopped watching at that point since Lindeloff is a nepotistic hack.

imagine getting filtered this hard

What kind of nepotism did he practice?

Show me whats wrong.

You're so retarded lmao, how do you not understand such a simple show like Lost? They practically tell you exactly waht is happening and you still didn't understand it lmaaaao

>The end shows that everything that happens in these flashes is pure fantasy and never existed
I wouldn't call it "fantasy", every action the characters take in the flash sideways are real. It's like pre-heaven or whatever you want to call it.
This is what they wanted to do:
Also the fact that it doesn't take place in the living world doesn't make it less real or important, through the show some characters have visions or dreams which guide them

>The final scene is literally people hugging and smiling at a church
So? That place is there to help them make some sort of catharsis and come to terms with eveything that happened with their lives and death, and they finally achieve it in the end

>Imagine if the final season of Breaking Bad showed flashes of Walt having no cancer and living a happy life and that's it. I can understand how anyone think this is ok.
That would be entirely out of place, flashbacks and flashforwards weren't a core part of Breaking Bad's storytelling

I mean to be fair OP didn't say a single thing wrong, he didn't go full retard and say they were dead.

Yeah honestly, the Final Season was pretty disappointing especially when you learn what the "Flash Sideways" truly are (They're symbolic story-telling devices that help flesh out the characters further via juxtaposition, nothing more, nothing less) - Feels like kind of a waste of time with how much more Island shit we wanted to learn. But at the end of the day, the Island shit wrapped up nicely IMO and we learned enough, and the Sideways gave us at least a nice emotional sendoff to the show.

Idk, I'm not retarded so a final subpar season didn't "waste 6 years of my life" like other mongrels like to say... the journey throughout was fantastic, ended bumpy but still fun.

>That would be entirely out of place, flashbacks and flashforwards weren't a core part of Breaking Bad's storytelling
But the flashsideways ARE entirely out of place. Flashbacks and flashforwards are completely intertwined with the events that happen on the island. Flashforwards are so out of place that if you remove them COMPLETELY from season 6, it doesn't make a single difference to everything else.

>But at the end of the day, the Island shit wrapped up nicely IMO

I feel kinda sad because the writers got so lost in the whole web of mysteries that they created that when they began answering it was incredibly underwhelming. It still brings pain to me to remember that the numbers, which were like a symbol for all the show ever was, were explained like "Yeah, Jacob had a thing for numbers".

Kek, yeah, more or less... we finally did get a lot of the answers to things, but they were pretty much all just so matter-of-fact and non-mysterious. Not enough to make me too disappointed, but the show definitely felt elevated to another level beforehand. I mean the whispers just being dead people on the island, that's pretty obvious and inconsequential... the numbers just literally being Jacob's list of candidates, also doesn't really do anything. But whatever, the show rocked.

He did say something wrong, he said all the flash sideways stuff wasn't real

You are wrong about the flash sideways, they did literally happen in the afterlife / purgatory--everyone's connection to each other was vital so that they could all move on to whatever comes next together, since they are the reason they were all able to redeem themselves / each other.

It's very literal, you are overthinking it

I mean that's getting into the weeds, none of this is "real" as in it's a tv show, but without getting into that, the flash-sideways is pretty much up to interpretation on what it means to you. There is no way you can prove it is "real" just like I can't prove its purely symbolic. At the end of the day, it's separated from the living world where the Island rests, which is what I'm sure OP means.

Brainlets STILL filtered by Lost in 2022? I'm not surprised sadly.

first three seasons are perfect 10/10 and one of the best things in television
4th is close
5th is 8/10
i tried like 5 times and i couldn't finish the sixth. It's fucking horrible.

You can definitely prove it was real, since Jack's dad literally says "it was all real" you fucking retard

>believes that the afterlife is real

retarded brainlet

>everything that happens in these flashes is pure fantasy and never existed
"Everything that happened happened"

In my eyes, it being symbolic story telling is the same as "it being real"... since it's, well, a TV show doing storytelling.

The sideways world in no way affects the real world, so at the very least, is inconsequential to everything that happens in the non-sideways world. It stands on its own. It literally makes zero difference whether these scenes "happened" or not. I get that they "happened" in this other metaphysical universe, sure. The reason I call that symbolic is because that's what that universe felt like to me. It's the same difference though

He's talking about the non-sideways world you absolute fucking braindead retarded cunt. That line in no way proves that the sideways world that he SAYS IT IN is "real".

Jesus christ. As I said though the sideways world being 'real' or 'symbolic' is the same exact difference to me coming from a TV show so forget about it. But that post was fucking retarded, man.

It did affect the real world, since Charlie was able to leave the sideways world and talk to Hurley in earlier seasons

He literally says "I'm real, you're real, everything that has ever happened to you is real. All those people in the church too." He is saying that in that moment they are real as are everyone in the church and EVERYTHING (including what we see in the flash sideways) is real. Those are his literal words. It can be symbolic too, but it is definitely real within the universe of the show.


this word has a specific meaning which you've bothered to look up, you put no effort into your life, kys

Huh, interesting, I kind of forget about that. Wasn't that the same old Charlie though, where sideways people have alternate lives? Or did that sideways Charlie already have his awakening and realize who he was at that point? But why was he acting like such a dick to Hurley?

Dude watch the scene, he says it's all real you fucking retard, nothing in what he says leaves any kind of wiggle room or implies the flash sideways stuff is any less real. How do you get filtered by someone literally saying it's all real.