Just when I thought this series could not get any better

Just when I thought this series could not get any better.

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I mean uh... Marine Man????

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The goys


The fuck is Negan going to do against Homelander

How bad will they rewrite his character in s4?

Can't believe they got Javier Bardem on the Boys

People called him too old when he was Negan, now this 5 years later.


Based. He helped me stop watching WD. Now I can quit this onions shit as well.

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There was a show with him and Halle Berry where she played an astronaut who got knocked up by aliens. In the show they had him greet her at the door without a shirt. He looked like fucking skin and bones.

low t the series


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>we need someone to kill the show
He's been waiting 3 seasons, sir

i thought that was hunter biden.

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Negan was the only redeemable part of season 7 onwards you pleb. I quit the show when they assassinated his character for being too based

Thought it was Jordan Peterson in the thumbnail

>now Jeffrey
>still no Jared
that's funny and sad
not that I want Jared in The Boys, he's a pretty wooden actor, but still

Oh no no no no no
>leans back

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How about cast some hot beautfull women?
Of course not

>Guy is so famous they have to include the characters name from the only thing anyone would know him from

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>not knowing JDM
holy zoomer

So he’s probably playing Tek Knight, right?