Fuck all of you. This was great

Fuck all of you. This was great

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Fuck you too, you brain dead consuming piece of shit

this would carry weight if you were some kind of renaissance man who read the classics and everything but we both know that isn't true. while user was watching muh GOT you were watching anime or fucking a sock or writing nigger 300 times in a thread

yeah i liked it

>Fuck all of you. This was great

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>abo targaryan
Kek can't make this shit up. Couldn't pay me enough to watch this trash

Heyo, projecting much?

This is the defense of a coward.
Nobody is projecting.


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The reason people don't pay you to watch TV is because you're a stupid cog.

>Nobody is projecting
Actually, you are.

>we need get to look like the product of incest
>i know let's hire an abo mutt
How did they get away with this

You're not even fit to be one of my farts

No, it was pretty mediocre and the CGI was aggressively bad. The new characters are shit, the writing is just as bad as the later seasons of GoT and even worse everyone knows how this story ends.

Grow some taste.
It was average

>You're not even fit to be one of my farts

Are people so desperate to consume that they'll latch onto next big product and pretend it's good

When they change the actress we riot, right?

I liked the white heterosexual sigma male character and Paddy Considine. The rest was mid. The mop wigs are on a league of their own.

It was alright, maybe a bit boring for a pilot. Can't stand the doctor who actor though, i just can't take his faggot voice seriously as some evil watch commander prince

Do incels really find her unattractive? She is hotter that Dainerys

Name a better series currently on

Where do you even find such weird looking people?

Am I the only one who found it boring and pointless? Seriously, what's the point of this show? The story they're trying to tell us is simply boring and everything looks ugly. It's Le Game Of Thrones but without the cool characters that made it interesting during the first 4 seasons. But, hey, more dragons

I thought it was decent. Could end up going either way in the end.

Haven't seen dr who. I liked him but i can imagine it's off putting if you only relate him with that part

>if you were some kind of renaissance man who read the classics and everything
literally me, i can confirm
the show is decent and the rhaenyra girl a cute

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It's not bad but it has issues.

Far too much shit happens in the first episode compared to GoT. It's like HBO was worried the first episode would not hook people if it was a slow-burn, so they crammed as many events as possible into the pilot.

The costumes are better than late GoT, but the architecture is not. This is meant to be the peak of Targaryen decadence but the buildings are dark and colorless in a way that makes me think of a recession or famine.

The wigs are horrible. Not just the horrible mop on Corlys, all the Targaryen wigs are horrible.

The reused musical themes are overt.

Rhaenyra gets bent out of character already. She will see her rule as a sense of duty in the show rather than her birthright, painting her in a more positive light than she needs to be for the story to come.

The show made Criston Cole, a Knight from the Dornish Marches, a militant border region that fucking hates the Dornish - into a Dornishman. What the fuck?
And they made Alicent Hightower, a noble of Oldtown and the Reach, which often suffered at the hands of Dornish raids, swoon at the sight of the Dornishman and the reveal that he is Dornish.
Also he's going to be in the Kingsguard and Dorne is still an enemy of the realm. ???

The "diversity" also chafes, I'm talking abou Corlys Velaryon.
Descendants of Valyria (pale, silver hair, light eyes) are notorious for being obsessed with preserving their bloodline to the point of intermarrying and incest because they don't want to dilute their families with the ilk of plebians or foreigners, and Game of Thrones's original conflict escalates precisely because physical appearance of a royal character is hereditary in this fictional world.
A Velaryon inexplicably being black out of nowhere without nobody else before of after him showing any signs of that skin type makes no sense. Feel free to cast more black actors in black roles, so from Essos, from The Summer Isles, etc. Not randomly shoehorned among pureblood wannabees.

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On here? Absolutely not. I found it very interesting though. Very good dialog and characters and a lot happened in a short time