This Guy Was a Legend

I don't care what anyone says, Leno is an absolute legend in the comedy business.
>cut his teeth since the 1960s
>played restaurants, clubs, mob joints, worked the road
>held a standing Sunday night set every week for over 45 years, despite immense wealth and fame
>never pretended to be something he wasn't and never changed who he was
If you like comedy, you like Leno

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>tfw being a teen in the early 2000s and watching Leno's monologues every night before bed

he was a smarmy backstabber
letterman mog'd him into outter space

>was his own manager his whole career
>was forced into retirement because Conan sicked his jews on him
can't talk shit about Letterman but Leno never played games, but he cooperated with the snakes.


Joke thief.

>letterman mog'd him into outter space
Letterman went to shit in the late 90s once Leno started beating him in the ratings. He became a bitter asshole, then became even more bitter with Bush, Palin, etc.

>letterman mog'd him into outter space

Ratings say otherwise

Whom did he steal from?

Give one example.

The game show that he hosts now is comfy

Look it up. He’s notorious! And not rough ideas (like, say, Robin Williams) but whole bits, setup and punchlines.

Leno is Branson, not Vegas.

slimy piece of shit

You made the claim. If it's such a prolific issue, you should be able to chuck one example our way in ten seconds.

I have literally never heard anyone accusing him of stealing jokes. Tons of people hate Leno and they have never accused him of it

Jay Leno has no legacy.

Never pushed the envelope. Was just funny and told jokes

>he was a comedian
>he did nothing but tell jokes and be funny
Wow, what a failure.

I went through an anti-Leno phase because Letterman and Conan didn't like him and at times they both had great late night shows but Leno is a legend. Anyone listening to David Spade and Dana Carvey's SNL podcast has gotten several good stories about the guy. He would constantly give advice to young stand ups and mentor them.

Yeah man he was great but those last years on the tonight show sucked.. he had that shitty "Jib-Jab" segment trying relate to the internet "viral" crowd.
And all his musical acts were country music..

Still way better than that idiot Fallon.
Conan did him wrong, they should've sent him packing to fuck off on TBS but hind-sight is 20-20 right.

Still the Tonight Show went down hill after Jay left, even the house band sucks balls now. I watch his car channel on youtube which is cool.

How many times are you going to make this thread?

For some reason comedians don't call out joke thieves like they should. The only one who did it outright was Joe Rogan when he put Carlos Mencia on blast.

Tons of comedians get called out for stealing jokes. You can find tons of videos, articles and stuff on all the joke theft accusations

Leno is not in any of them

Yeah Letterman was better prior to Leno overtaking him. I remember he had those bits where he'd send Rupert the deli guy to troll people.. Letterman would be on a walkie talkie telling him what to say through an earpiece.

That fun attitude and those hijinks kinda went away and you could tell he was butt hurt at everyone. But that change in attitude took place after his heart surgery.

Any clips available ?