What is the ultimate boomer male film?

What is the ultimate boomer male film?

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Top gear.





Apocalypse now was their Big Lebowski

My dad loves these. Also Austin powers

My dad LOVES big lebowski too. He's 63.

Dazed and Confused

forest gump or something with j'ohn wayne

Boomer or Gen X Boomer?

This is every single adult male in Ft Myers, Florida


My mom loves big Lewbowski too and she is 67. Everyone likes that movie.


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>girls on the right are actually hot
Damn. Demographically and culturally annihilating the country wasn’t enough, now they have to literally cuck millennials and zoomers too. Why are boomers like this

Got you sorted, geezer. There's enough gash to go around.

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Field of Dreams

that looks like Anna Khachiyan's ideal male type

action movies - especially military movies - and bad comedies

seems to be the only thing they watch

they're practically pajeets

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I cannot say for sure but I'll pitch pic related into the ring.

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