Has Morbius officially tainted Matt Smith's entire career?

Has Morbius officially tainted Matt Smith's entire career?

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Someone would have had to watch morbious for that to happen

Even people who haven't watched the movie know this scene.

Why is every American person named either Smith or Johnson?

no blame his agent instead
starring on popular genre like capeshit but instead went to mcu or dceu the retard sign for snoy spidey universe where the cant use spiderman.
then lets not forget about game of thrones spin off where the finale season so shit that its not part of pop culture zeitgest anymore

He's British you American obsessed retard

He has been getting memed since Lost River, but somehow that movie was banished from people’s memories.

What career?

it made 163 million at the box office.

If he embraces the meme, it will enhance his career

>Get role of Doctor Who, its after the most loved version
>Work with Ryan Gosling, its in his directorial debut that's instantly forgotten
>Get part in Terminator franchise, it flops and is rebooted again
>Get part in Star Wars, your scene is deleted
>Get part in a Marvel film, it's Morbius
>Get part in GOT, it's after everyone dislikes the series
Matt Smith's whole career is cursed

wasn’t there a Doctor Who themed episode of Graham Norton in which Matt appeared, and there was a guy in the red chair who looked exactly like him and was also named Matt

Have sex?

they were peasants that other nations didn't want

Matt Smith is clearly box office poison, and now he has become Home Box Office poison

Any European who was worth shit moved to america, modern eurofags are nothing but worthless, useless retards

Would someone with a tainted career be in a lead role for the GoT successor?


Most fans loved his Doctor, the show was hugely popular during his run.

>>Get role of Doctor Who, its after the most loved version
dunno about that one m8, 11 is very very based

Didn't like him as the 11th Doctor because I was Tennant biased at the time, but the dude is a genuinely good actor. Too bad they use him for the worst shit imaginable.

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he looks like a mutant

yes, that's why he'd be perfect for some physically deformed villain like Kain from LOK.