It's better than Breaking Bad

It's better than Breaking Bad

Attached: Better-Call-Saul[1].jpg (1000x562, 497.49K)

in the first couple of episodes he's wearing cucumbers on his eyes like he's a faggot at a spa

Yeah, but you can't really enjoy it unless you've seen Breaking Bad.


That's true mainly for the last season. I feel everything besides that could be enjoyed quite well

Indubitably. The people who argue otherwise usually have totally delusional stances about what makes Breaking Bad good or deep, forgetting what it was like to actually watch the show. They say Jesse was a saint who was forced to be a criminal by Walt, Skyler's a deep and well-written character, Mike's a wise and moral mentor type, and Walt's just a bitter retard who kills good-guy criminals for no reason.

Anyone who remembers what Breaking Bad was actually like knows BCS is the better show in every way other than having a less exciting protagonist.

No, they're equally trash
Seems only trash TV is allowed here


They also didn't have stupid shit like the 2 planes crashing into each other.

>comedic twist on a serious series
>midwits think it's better

Breaking bad is the midwit show.
BCS is the high IQ show

>It's better than Breaking Bad
No, it's exactly as good.
They are equal. Dead equal.
Same exact quality level, relevance and enjoyment potential.
Don't get caught up in obnoxious comparisons and Reddit-tier arguments.

Repeat after me:










You know, I'd like to agree with you to seem more patrician, but it really, really isn't.

Honestly BCS isn't any more comedic. BB had plenty of comedy in it too
The shows are roughly equal in tone, although the first couple seasons are more low stakes

Neither is especially great.

It's not. Cause Breaking Bad works on it's own as a singular piece of art. Saul fails cause the Finale suddenly starts to mention some character we've never heard about up till now as being important (Walter White) hence confusion instead of catharsis.

Better Call Saul is a parasite on Breakin Bad's spine.

By that retarded logic, every sequel in history is automatically worse than the first installment.

Name one (1) better series to come out in the last decade

only for the last season tho, even then you can kinda piece it together through the exposition dialogue

>t.haven't seen the show

Yeah they instead made up for it with an absolutely rushed and retarded ending

More Jewish than breaking bad that’s for sure

Hated it


t. filtered pleb

Cut out all the cartelshit and you're right.