Imagine ditching this sweet piece of ass for Skylar

Imagine ditching this sweet piece of ass for Skylar.

Attached: latest (29).png (885x1057, 1.22M)

she ditched him afaik

Walt was such a Chad in that flashback, I still don't get how he turned into season 1 Walt

You didn't see how his kike boss and retarded students suck the life out of him?

you mean that fine spic bish?

Every time I think zoomers couldn't be bigger retards someone like you comes along.

You don't know anything you retarded faggot.

Why didn't Susan from friends get a bigger role?

>walt felt insecure because they were wealthy
>Gretchen had genuine heart
walt was a fucking dork

it's stated within the show she still loved him and he left her on the weekend they were supposed to get married


Now post a picture where she isn't hiding her Dumbo ears.

What? But then why the fuck did he leave Grey Matters? I thought he was fucking Gretchen, and that during the week-end he caught her cheating with Elliot, and so Walter left both Gretchen and the company? Isn't that what happened?

Pre-bitter Walt was Chad as FUCK.

Attached: Chad White.png (1279x720, 720.12K)

>What? But then why the fuck did he leave Grey Matters?
He was insecure about her parents being rich and got cold feet about the company since he was a partner and hadn't done all of it himself. The whole point was that his ego and faggotry stretched back to his past
>I thought he was fucking Gretchen, and that during the week-end he caught her cheating with Elliot, and so Walter left both Gretchen and the company? Isn't that what happened?
Elliot was a third wheel and when Walt left Elliot and Gretchen to run the company/spend inordinate amounts of time together they bonded and got married, as people tend to do.

The entire point of the Grey Matter stuff was that Walt was always this kind of egotistical shithead

>He was insecure about her parents being rich and got cold feet about the company since he was a partner and hadn't done all of it himself
Lmao what an enormous fucking retard
Especially since marrying into a rich family when you are poor, regardless of the success of your future company, is the smartest thing to do

Where is that information from anyways? Interviews?

>Where is that information from anyways? Interviews?
Like the first or second season of breaking bad when Gretchen realizes he's bullshitting Skyler about them paying for his treatment. I know the speedwatcher thing is a meme but come on man

I watched this years ago mate

>Little rich girl just adding to your millions
That's the only thing that hints at her being rich already, and nothing really says that's the reason he suddenly left out of nowhere.

He took the hornpill, married Skylar and she controlled him by manipulation to the point he is the shell of a man.

She was probably the reason he left Grey Matter. Pregnant and demanded Walt get her an engagement ring so he got what money he could.

woah woah woah... cool it down, mr tough guy
You don't know him. Why are you acting all retarded all of a sudden. go listen to some music, jerk off and cum in your tea, then drink it. People these days...sheesh

hmmm this reminded me of Hal. He used to ride motorcycle, smoke and drink before Lois.
Pattern? No? Well.. at least Hal was very happy.

In the flashback where he's being shown the house and Skylar's pregnant he's apparently working for a successful company after leaving F
Gray Matter. They never show his downfall though it's probably when the retard was born. Walt's ego must have taken a nosedive after that and he just gave up on life