This is, by all accounts, objectively the best movie ever made

this is, by all accounts, objectively the best movie ever made

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Not even Kubrick's best.

i think you mean by your own account

yes i also like boobs

Could you tl;dr for midwits like me? I suck at picking up subtle references, allegories and stuff.

I put this on in a group and almost everyone complained. Someone said they didn't want to watch a creepy cult movie others complained about the nudity and by the end pretty sure almost everyone said they "didnt get it." Are my friends retarded?

They have their eyes wide shut.

>Are my friends retarded?
>creepy cult movie
>complained about the nudity
Sound like your typical American. So the answer is yes.

At the very least it's my favorite movie. Every time I watch it I pick up something else.
What're some other good ambiguous erotic dream like dramas?
I've seen Blue Velvet which I guess is as close as it gets. What else?

Mulholland Drive

Man I don't know how. My eyes are always glued to the screen when I watch it.
An user here a while ago said it's supposed to be about a virgin (Cruise) being confused and intimidated by sex, hence the cult. Doesn't really hold water though since his character has a child lmao.
There's this too which I haven't read through completely but seems interesting:

Mulholland Drive, obviously.


i dont think there is any wrong way to interpret a movie. it is what you make of it unless the director comes forward and explicitly states the way you should view it

>unless the director comes forward and explicitly states the way you should view it
A fictional work stands on its own. If the author wanted to say something, they had the entire fictional work to make their argument. Twitter is not canon.

Something I noticed that I want other anons input on is how Bill Harford repeats so many things other characters say, like he's a parrot or trying to make the situation less awkward. He does it to Red Cloak, to Domino and her roommate, I think to Millich. Odd, no?

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Shit, Lost Highway too now that I think about it.
I love dream like shit in movies where you never know what's what. What directors besides Lynch and Kubrick do that? They make it seem magical and subtle but not unrealistic which I love

They're sayin' weird shit and he's kind of s doofus.

kubrick goes into lengths to achieve that aesthetic. doubt any other directors give that much shit

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Maybe this works with a theme of wanting fit in/ mimicking people to fit in. Like he goes to the prostitute after hearing his wife's story, hes going to these psuedo rich people parties while the real ones avoid him. Maybe the people calling him gay ties in here too with being an outsider or something idk

>I've seen... Consenting adults having sex parties AAAH I'M GOING INSANE

Death of the author is for retards who can't let go of their headcanons.

those adults used to be children at some point you sick freak

Apocalypse Now
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2