Attached: 1643076985865.webm (1000x562, 2.9M)

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>slow motion so you can see how he clearly was never even aiming to hit her.

I'm so bored with this kike bullshit. It doesn't even register anger anymore. It's just pure shit. Like watching retards trying to do math. Just a tedious waste of existence.

does anyone even care anymore? this is about as aggregious as this bit from Last Jedi:
snoke (the main antagonist) gets maul'd in the first few seconds so spoiler warning

She knew cape-kata and he didn't.

Attached: 1652460942947.webm (600x600, 2.79M)


this movie is stupid as fuck and I love it

>spoiler warning
>for a 5 year old movie
>say the spoiler anyway

This is some really bad choreography.

What's this from?

well this is epic compared to the bs on the OP

Attached: kek.gif (498x214, 2.31M)

>takes my post seriously
>thinks I wasn't making a joke by putting spoiler warning at the end
>points it out as if he's intelligent for doing so

Attached: vHK-C-Wx28llvnpcqe-H3CHbjxywA347arliw31bBSM.jpg (1080x1080, 95.29K)

I do not care about the gender of either party but I do hate this bad choreography

Vikings had women soldiers and leaders. It's not insane to have women beat men in combat

d....d-did we just lose men-sisters ???

I love these jap CGI cringekinos. Those Starship Trooper ones were fun too.

in sex combat

Wheel of Time, the woman is trained and living with the Aiel, they are supposed to be much more skilled in combat than the average "regular" soldier.

>Shooting this monster literally has no effect
>I know, let me try kicking him in the face!

>I was only pretending to be retarded

Attached: 1660711684688139.jpg (564x569, 36.06K)

Attached: 1660834344616029.jpg (739x742, 104.74K)

what movie is this?