And now, user, it's time for our million dollar question

And now, user, it's time for our million dollar question

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Where is my hot meal?

8.5 inches

Was the BBC in the right to fire him.
I have seen a lot of claims that they overacted, and a lot of the crew was on his side.

British people really let someone like that on their television for 20+ years

You don't get to bust a guy's lip because he was unable (or didn't bother) to his job to your satisfaction. And fuck your argument that Clarkson won the popularity contest, he did a shitty thing.

They've tried to hire him back and he told them to go fuck themselves, so make of that what you will.


>couldn’t be bothered to organise a meal when filming away in a remote area for your main star
Guy was incompetent and should have been sacked, filming is gruelling even if it doesn’t look it. You spend 12 hours minimum on set every day for weeks because everything has to be booked and used in a block to keep costs down. There is no time to pop out for a meal when you’re filming. This incompetent fucker should have been sacked as well as enjoying a busted lip.

>British people really let someone like that on their television for 20+ years

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>american millionaire final question
>which marvel film had the first black female actress?
>british millionaire final question
>which of the following words were not invented by william shakespeare?

>Guy was incompetent and should have been sacked, filming is gruelling even if it doesn’t look it. You spend 12 hours minimum on set every day for weeks because everything has to be booked and used in a block to keep costs down. There is no time to pop out for a meal when you’re filming. This incompetent fucker should have been sacked
Everything you said up until that point was true, everything after was just supporting diva behaviour

Not him, but if you really think he whacked him just over a meal then you're naive. There were probably words exchanged and it got out of hand. Don't be so naive as to believe every media article you read.

how hard can it be?

>watching some trivia show
>question about modern politicians in london
>i choose the least white sounding name
>get it right
>impress everyone

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They had to fire him. Can't make exceptions to a rule.

*cough cough*

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Oi m8. Jezza is such a lad. 1 of us like.

C. Final Answer.

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>What minority is 13% of the population, but responsible for more than 50% of violent crime?

The weirdest part of watching the US version was that even the fucking Phone-A-Friend lifeline was sponsored
>No problem, our good friends at AT&T® will get your friend on the line.

The BBC's head of entertainment Danny (((Cohen))) was looking for any excuse to get rid of him.
Clarkson's salary could have been better spent on hiring more talentless women for panel shows.