ITT: Stuff that scared you in film & TV in your youth

ITT: Stuff that scared you in film & TV in your youth.

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Imagine using his horn as a dildo...

When I saw Gremlins in the theater I pretended to need to use the bathroom I was so scared. I still remember standing there psyching myself up to go back in. I was scared of gremlins for the next few years at least.

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>watch jaws as a little kid
>start seeing sharks in pools

Had nightmares about this, tell me I'm not alone

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Chernabog from Fantasia.

murphy's death in robocop
the other gore didnt bother me so much

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Saw nightmare on elm street way too young and was absolutely convinced Freddy was going to kill me in my sleep, that and the ring scared the everliving shit out of me

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Did you return The Slab user?

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My sister was watching some kind of true crime murder doc about an axe murderer in the late 1800s or something like that.
A tall, thin man with an abe Lincoln beard who befriended this family and started living with them until one day he went to the shed, grabbed an axe, and WHACKED them all in their sleep, including the kids. I already imagined horrible things in bed every night, now I learn that actual real people are just as terrifying. I dont think I slept until sunrise for a week straight.

i jammed it into my rectum

I refused to use the bathroom for months after seeing this when I was like 5 and I'm still anal retentive to this day.

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Hinterkaifeck murders

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Boogeyman from the ghost busters cartoon gave me night terrors.

I used to hide my eyes when this part came on in Halloweentown. Freaked the everloving fuck out of me as a kid.

Fucking captchas

Forgot pic

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Those hounds from the first one scared me more desu

is this from james and the giant peach? pretty sure this scared me as well but I don't remember what it's from

I was 4, admittedly, but I screamed like a donkey being impaled in the theater.

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>is this from james and the giant peach?

Yep. The part with the skeleton pirates was scarier though

It is. In the book it's literally just an escaped rhino from the zoo that trampled his parents. But in the movie it's some sort of supernatural giant sentient storm cloud shaped like a rhino that ate his parents and chases him throughout the movie. Bizarre.

The Fly, especially when he puked on that guy's arm and leg and they dissolved.

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Does he also have four cocks?

This holy fuck that bothered me till adulthood

This by far

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It's a female

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How bizarre.

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Don't be transphobic.

>In the book it's literally just an escaped rhino from the zoo that trampled his parents
That's the most Roald Dahl way of killing off parents imaginable.

Watch out! Viggo is right behind you!

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this guy used to scare the absolute shit out of me

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Don't be such a fag. It's fine if it's a girl rhino though. Did they ever make the distinction in the movie or book?


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Hector's rectum was real?


here's a classic

Slime monster from the tv ghost writer

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This. Also the ghost in The Tale of the Quicksilver episode and the witch in The Tale of the Pinball Wizard.

large marge, cant even watch claymation without feeling sick to my stomach anymore. im not pulling up a picture either.

Oh yes, this thing. I love this thing. This thing is great. I like this thing a lot.
What is it, retard?

I don't know who in their right mind OK'd this thing for a kids show. It's so damn uncanny.

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Thanks asshole


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>t. zoomer