Best movie creatures

What are some of the best movie monsters/creatures?

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They will always be kino

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heavily underrated

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>man with tail and penis head

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I always wanted to learn more about the space jockey until they made Prometheus. I actually liked the movie, but I hate that they made the Space Jockey into handsome squidward

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>when mom leaves you at the mart queue to go get something and the cashier starts scanning your items

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I actually liked that movie.

That movie gave me weird boners and so did the second one.

They still give me boners and gave me a breeding drive that has resulted in 3 children with plans for more.

I swear to god her long delayed horror movie House Red better get fucking released this year. She appears to have a milf skinny dipping scene in the trailer.

The most recent one I can think of was the "bear" from Annihilation, actually creeped me out

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pretty blatant ripoff of the xenomorph but still great

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>Some pussy ass monsters in this thread.

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book was more kino, actual nightmare fuel

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jesus christ

nothing beats Werewolves, Vampires, and I guess you can throw demons in there

Most basedest.

So fucking good.

> Creature from the Black Lagoon
Great (tied with gojira as the best monster movie of the 50s)

> Revenge of the Creature
Ok / Meh to Decent (cast is notably less likable than those in the original)

> The Creature Walks Among Us

> PH1

> PH2
Ok / Meh

> PH - Ashes to Ashes

> PH - Blood Feud

> Tremors

> Tremors 2

> Tremors 3
Decent to Good

> Tremors 4
Ok / Meh to Decent

Wonder if someone will ever make a proper adaptation of Rawhead Rex. Would be absolute kino

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