Yeah I know I sold you drugs and got you addicted...

>yeah I know I sold you drugs and got you addicted, but uhm now I want you to stop cause I'm like worried about you and shit

No drug dealer has ever done this.

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I think that literally happened to mike lindell, the MyPillow guy

same with steve-o‘s dealer

actually even took him to a place where steve had to finish his food before getting his 8-ball

That actually happened to an ex-girlfriend.

I don't think there's ever been a drug dealer to wear an autism awareness shirt like that guy either

happened to hunter biden too

Attached: hunter.jpg (540x960, 96.23K)

t.straight edge

there's this weird strain of white person that has all the white attributes but will always give off a certain aura - they ALL look like OP's pic.
like scots-irish and goyish eastern euros mostly

Is this the guy who talks like he has a fifth grade reading level?

I was a dealer for a few years and I've had to do this multiple times

I've even had to card people
Some cunt gave out my number to some fucking teenage shitheads and I had to change my sim

>I sold you drugs and got you addicted
>I'm sorry I sold you that car you crashed, it's all my fault

Very low class dealers still want friends

>No drug dealer has ever done this.
One time a woman selling ecstasy at a festival didn't sell me some because I was already rolling and apparently my face looked like I saw a fucking ghost. Good times.

My cute as fuck neighbour refused to sell me weed and urged me to get therapy instead. She hugged me once when I was 16 and wasn't wearing a bra so I could feel her erect nipples against me.

You can die from e

drug dealer with heart of gold is one of the gayest tropes ever

You can't make any money out of a dead person and OD's bring heat nigga

And it would be a blissful death so, whatever.

terry a davis-esque post

You can die from water

shoot straight fent, pussy

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dont watch that shit but he reminds me of mac miller for some reason

This makes sense.

You're on to something.

LOL oding on e is not blissful at all

You virtually can't overdose on ecstasy. What kills you is hyperthermia which is why water is such a prevalent drink you see peopel carrying at festivals.