Why did critics pretend this movie was bad? Were they all paid off or something?

Why did critics pretend this movie was bad? Were they all paid off or something?

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hating it became a part of boomer/early Xer lore

It's too long and pretty boring honestly but the set pieces are really nice

the world is more interesting than the story
also there is a waterworld autist on youtube who sounds like a sex offender, name of "the atoll"

Saw it as a kid, it's unquestionable kino and I wanted to fuck the girl because she was my age. Not sure if i wanted to fuck her but whatever you want to do as a 8yo boy to a hottie in your age

It had an interesting Loli.

Same as Tank Girl.

Critics hated Waterworld because they were tired of Kevin Costner being full of himself (savior complex) and the movie being a giant money pit with major problems on the set was their convenient excuse to get to Costner. That being said, Waterworld is incredibly mediocre and is not some underrated masterpiece like contrarians claim.

Based user. I miss being a kid having crushes on movie lolis.

Oddly, two years later Titanic beated Waterworld as the most expensive water movie.

good morning, sir!

This is one of my dads favorite movies

You wanted to hold her hand, with a glove of course, so the stork doesn't bring her a baby

It never had a chance to be seen on its own terms. It was famous for being a "troubled production because of hubris" story before it was even released. Once it came out and people saw that it was a big silly thing, they laughed at it, and it never had a chance to be reviewed objectively.

It's not a masterpiece but it makes no sense that its seen as a historic failure when shit like Independence Day and Armageddon swept through with pretty good reviews. Waterworld only has the problem of being silly, and so did everything else that came out back then.

I was 10 when it came out and all the kids thought it was fucking awesome, for what its worth.

This. It's just boring.

the epitome of "we didn't know how good we had it" it was panned for being mad max but water, i would kill a nigger for mad max but water now

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Why was he above fucking the woman who offered herself? Is he a polcel concerned about the purity of the human remnants?

yeah he was pretty unbearable after his streak of pathos movies around that time or whatever you call those overemotional flicks

It could have been action comedy kino. Smokers are basically full satire and you have a serious deadpan protagonist who doesn't play into that at all.

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Most criticisms at the time said:

- No facial cumshots
- Where are the aliens
- Too hard to remember the first half when youre watching the second half
- Cant smell anything
- Tripplehorn is probably a fake name
- If mud is so great then why do they live in the water anyway
- Kinda gay

Because he knows he’s a mutant for the entire story, user. He either doesn’t want to spread the mutation in general or doesn’t want his kids to inherit it in particular. Remember how the people in the floating town treat him when they find out?

reddit told them it was bad

I'm curious to see how this thread is going to address common conformity culture among industry insiders.

the jewish press historically attempts to take down every white director of prominence. cameron, costner, mel, if you're too successful as a white they will attack you hard.

And there we go.

Reddit told me ne of the William's tennis sisters died of a heart attack. Then, after the other news outlets surprised me with live shots of them together, that the Reddit CEO married one of them.

Do you think I was being informed something about "Love"?

Two words: KINO World

Why did the crowd of conformist ostracize whites to the point of making the Jewish American Identity? Just to dump all their dissasociated witchhunt behavior onto a bunch of meta-normies?