What do you think his life was like after he had his penis and testicles eaten by piranhas...

What do you think his life was like after he had his penis and testicles eaten by piranhas? Do you think his parents would of done something about it? The school expels Wednesday we know that but how do they handle the situation with a student with no cock and balls? Would they have to arrange counseling for him?

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no cock and balls you say?

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Just turn off your brain bro hahaha

She's a brave transwoman now.

What if he becomes the arc villain

incredibly bigoted, sir,
a man doesn't need cock or balls.

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>what do you think happened to the carolers after being horrifically burned or killed by hot oil? Do you think their families would have done something about it?

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Guys I don’t think it was meant that he was castrated

pretty sure the addams family would be sued successfully.


hell be fine

>Cute little christina ricci has some trouble pulling the lever
>actual fucking SPARKS near a child actor

Pirananas can't really eat people, that's a hollow larp. All that would happen is he would get a few nips to the toes while swimming out

The "people eating" pirananas myth comes from an Amazon tribe that would trap migrating schools of pirananas in small lakes and let them starve before pushing sick or old cattle into the lake to get swarmed by the starving fish creating a boiling effect on the water as the fish would jump out of the water to get to the meat. They showed this to a white explorer and he was traumatised by it for life and wrote about it.
I can't remember why they would do this however, seems needlessly convoluted and barbaric.

probably cause they live in the fucking jungle and have very little to do for entertainment?

Probably bored, nothing much to do in a jungle all day. Unlike us cucks, they don't need to work 24/7 just hunt in the morning then hang about watching the women work

This shit hurts a little...

Piranhas are a pretty shitty predator. They just have sharp teeth and a mean appearance that makes them out to be way more lethal than other sea animals- it's extremely rare for people to die in piranha encounters, but it is possible to get bitten on the feet and legs. The ones you really need to be afraid of are on the high seas like Humboldt squids


>burn, kill, mutilate the children of goyim!!!! this is high class comedy

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he could have a career as a soprano or contralto in the chorus

I get the Adams family is passively ruthless, But this series is gonna be a shit show where usurp the premise to shit on men and push tranny, feminist and gay rhetoric.

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do people like you ever do anything except seethe over shit like this 24/7

Just until I have a cup of coffee. It's still gonna be shit.

wednesday shouldn't be smiling that often like in the trailer, morticia looks weak and gomez is digusting