Misogyny bros... we lost

misogyny bros... we lost

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His arc was as small as his chin.


Didn't he have some video about how corruption is a good thing cause he's rich he can just pay people off?
Like, he said if he gets pulled over for speeding he just throws a hundred bucks at the cop and then speeds off.
So he's effectively still paying the fine for speeding. So he isn't gaining anything, he's still been pulled over and still had to deal with the cops in some form. Maybe he saves himself 5 minutes.

>banned from fb and ig
damn this nigga must be speaking some truth

telegram is next

>i don’t like women that act like whore
>ummm this is misogyny
Is it implying all women are whore and insulting a whore is the same as insulting the women species since all women are whore ?

he pays a lot less than the fine would be

He might be another grifting cunt but what is he being unpersoned for exactly? We went from “this will only affect nazis” to “this will affect those who question vaccines or healthcare policy” and now we’re at “you must only say nice things about women”.

Unless I’m missing him making explicit threats the overton window keeps creeping down to Corporate Comfort levels. You WILL like the products. Negativity is not allowed.

Too redpilled for his own good.

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he shouldn't be deplatformed just for being a retard but he put himself in that situation by relying on these centralized trigger-happy platforms

He's the new face of MGTOW which cannot be allowed to spread.

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lol this gollum motherfucker is peak satire


Ok so what we have here is a moron.

They only try to cancel you if you're making them uncomfortable with too much truth

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Ahhhhhhh nooooooo don't ban my hero from platforms ahhhhhhhhhhhhh how will I ever live now. I'm literally going insane ahhhhhhhh

Damn, the older I get the more thankful i am that I have a good relationship with my Dad. It's proof against falling for guru e-celebs who tell you that masculinity is either weepily having a benzo breakdown or acting like Bender from Futurama (and you too can learn for the low low price of $500 a month)
All my /hasadad/ chads, call your father and say thanks.

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He's half-right. Reading books won't make you smarter, it will just widen the amount of information you can process but if your brain sucks it will just come up with more ways to be retarded. Also a lot of information is trash and actually a net negative, especially when it's too much to figure out what is trash and what isn't, i.e. quality > quantity

He blasphemed against the new western church and for that he must be silenced, 300 years ago he would have been burned at the stake

I just can’t get over how stupid his mug looks. If I saw him irl, I probably wouldn’t be able to stop myself from laughing.

He doesn't need those platforms anymore, he successfully shilled his own

>books too hard to process
what a brainlet self-report
books are just words that can be summarized lmao

He's wrong because books are great entertainment especially if you're in a situation where you can't really do much else, it's better than just browsing your phone. I don't even want to argue the intellectual merits, just as pure entertainment alone books are fantastic and these days you can get a cheap e-reader and pirate all the books you could ever want.

This guy is a joke anyway, he has to be at least partially satirical. His grift is real but the shit he's saying can't be his honest opinions most of the time, he sounds like a character in a shitty comedy movie. If you compare him with the other "hustle" gurus they at least spout common sense shit

Big brain hours

Dude is mainly scamming underage dorks who use their mommies card to buy his shit. The moms get mad and complain to whatever social media they are using and do charge backs so its not worth keeping him around.

Speeding fine where I live is $80, city mandated. But cops can fine for other things once you're pulled over; seatbelt, no blinker turns, registration, etc.,
Most I've ever paid was $100.
You really think a cop is pulling somebody over in a flashy car and taking less than a c-note in bribe money? In a corrupt country?
Lmao. If anything some shithole country like Bulgaria is going to extort him for more, if not steal his car. The dude isn't a mobster so he's just lean game to actual corruption.

Whats stopping him from banging someone to unban him? Twitch whores do it all the time.

This sounds similar to some "pro-woman" woman social media users.

shoot. im sick of seeing this guy, hes
a. false prophet for chuds and a
politician. for incels.

This feels like an incredibly lazy version of the red pill/pua movements. I'm surprised it is popular. Is it just because he's the first to do it on tiktok?

misogyny isn't against the law. what grounds did they have to ban him?

The voice does it for me

I literally live in Bulgaria and you have no idea what you're talking about

As much as I hate this retard.
Hate the censorship on all big media today.

Private corporations can ban you for anything retard.
He got big because a lot of zoomie content creators got to make REACT videos to his intentionally provacative takes.

All brown/Arab/NonEast Asian people think corruption is good, it’s part of the reason their countries are always shit. Everything is a tribe/mafia/syndicate to them, and the whole point is to be the best scammer and amass enough power to be the one ordering the boots onto others faces.

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My dad was pretty absent in my life, but if grifters like these had come around while I was young and impressionable I would have fallen prey to their antics. Sure, I came out jaded and lonely, but I think it's better than constantly being angry, bitter, and reaching for anything that seems like help, like so many of the mid-20s males on this board.

Tate and Trump hook up

sneed it or keep it

>Private corporations can ban you for anything retard.
Yes they can and they can also be sued for violating someones rights. Numerous lawusits have been won over that fact.

Are you dim? Money is about what percent of your total money something takes. If I take 10 grand from a Mexican, that puts them into negative money. If I take 10 grand from an Australian, it inconveniences them. If I take 10 grand from a Saudi, not even their accountant notices.

>Bulgarian cops are nice fellas!
>No corruption in Bulgarian police!
>We salute flashy car! Very respectful, sirs.
>Come to Bulgaria, bring your white women and fast cars, haha, yes!
fuck off
also Samuel was a Macedonian and your country shouldn't even exist

>numerous lawsuits
please share dumbass

I've never heard him speak but he looks like he has a speech impediment.

He's unironically right and his reception on Any Forums has revealed that the crab bucketry on r9k is actually less bad than on here.