5 episodes into season 1

>5 episodes into season 1
When does it start getting good?

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It doesn't.

Episode 6, Tuco is my favorite character.


same schizo thread shitter


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Season 1, Episode 1 of Better Call Saul.

Attached: 88BB5B95-B7EF-48C0-B6D6-3E1E7AD59FD4.jpg (480x338, 23.18K)

It actually stops getting good after the end of season 1. But I still like the rest of it, but the charm is gone after the first season when it was supposed to be a dark comedy.

He got into meth making so he could provide for his son though


It doesn't really. I watched up to early season 2 and lost interest. Didn't hate it, or anything, I just didn't want to watch any more.

He turned down a job with his old company that had massive benefits. Nice try, show’s about narcissistic rage in the face of death, not the surface plot of not affording med bills.

First 2 seasons are meh


The first 2 seasons are the best and season 5 is bad.

reddit opinion^

Why do liberals want everything handed to them for free?
Disliking popular things does not make you an interesting person.

You should have started with Better Call Saul

>Walter becomes most assholish in the face of death
>Nazi group doesn’t commit one hate crime. No n word and worst done is indiscriminate killing of Latinos for non racial reasons (personal connection, not wanting to pay shut up money for ex firing associates). they enslave a fellow white man
>season’s hot chick Lydia is hateable
It’s well written but it has some things that look bad on the surface. Fring carried the mid show though desu

Season 5 is capeshit tier. Was surprised Better Call Saul turned out good with how bad Breaking Bad got towards the end.

>Why do liberals want everything handed to them for free?
Like electricity, public transport, police service, firefighters, early education? They are all paid by taxes. Why shouldn't the #1 biggest societal problem be publicly funded?

if this was the case he'd have taken the money from grey matter. did u not watch the show? he never did it for his family, he did it for himself.

its cool to hate on breaking bad now?

too bad. on a rewatch i did find it a real slog up until saul is introduced (a little past your point)

>electricity is paid for by taxes
underage detected

wtf are you talking about, brba had an excellent end-of-run starting with the 2nd half of s5

>dies on 20 year waiting list for treatment

Get. Insurance.

No, it's just that all the fans have moved on to the next most popular series.