What are some of the most kino dogs in Television and film

What are some of the most kino dogs in Television and film

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You already posted them

K9 with Jim Belushi.
The sequels are ok too but they use different dogs who lack the charisma of Jerry Lee.

>character gets hit in the testicles by a baseball
>dog covers its eyes with its paws and whimpers

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Did anyone else ever watch Eight Below?

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Yeah, wasn't there another husky movie that came out arround the same time too?
Also was pick related any good, I remember reading it back in middle school

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The dog was horrible cgi

>Blocks your path

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Hollywood needs to give us pitbull kino, it's an untapped market.

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Rin Tin Tin

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this guy

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What about the hunger games ending?

Man I loved those movies


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Never watched an episode of it but I sure did listen to the intro

Trying to film it would result in something like the monkey scene in Nope.

>He didn't watch 30 mins of dog costume changes

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Found-footage horror where some sadist attachs a GoPro to a pitbull and then it's let loose in an unsuspecting neighborhood filled with small animals, small children and the elderly.

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>And to think.......I hesitated......

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I really enjoyed it. My gf watched it separately and enjoyed it as well. The CG wasn’t bad and I enjoy Chris Sanders from Lilo and Stitch, Bolt, and How to Train Your Dragon.

Yellow Dog

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Watched it with my pup last night. He was entranced through most of it surprisingly. He learned a lot too.

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