Reason #347 why Japanese shows are so goddamn based

Reason #347 why Japanese shows are so goddamn based.

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Does the orangutang also have a sword? Very important

Simpsons did it first.

Do I have the sword? Or the orangutan?

alright maybe it's time for me to finally watch squid game. is there people fighting oranutans in it?

free swords or free chickens hmm

you misunderstood, he's the only one with a sword

orangutans are killers. i'll take the chicken. you could also eat it/fuck it after it's dead.

Well since I care about the planet and I only ride my bike, it's an easy choice for me

I don't have a car

Orangutans have longer arms than most humans

Orangutang is too OP
To make it more interesting, the chicken should gain 1 cm in size and 20 grams in mass every time you encounter it.

Easily the chicken thing, not only do I not have a car but orangutans would fucking rip an average human to shreds

that would be most fowl

I enjoy driving, so I'll fight the orang, plus if I'm feeling depressed that year he can take my life.

the orangutan can kill you and the chicken cant
seems like an easy choice, just wear boots

I can spend a whole day getting in and out of my car and get rich selling chicken

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They'd call me the Chicken Boy of Avery Square

Obviously go with the chicken.
You'll never go hungry, and you can always buy a motorcycle with all the money you save from free rotisserie to and from work.


I'll take the free chicken whenever I want. I don't even care if it's an angry rooster, it won't be any more after a swift kick

+ he has knives tapped to his feet

As long as I can be prepared and have my own weapon for the chimp I'll take that.

chicken obviously
>getting ready to go home
>no dinner
>get in the car
>fight the chicken
>bring home fresh chicken for dinner

pick up chicken, wring its neck, over in ten seconds. how is this a question?

Pluck up your courage

it's about the inconvenience. what if you're getting in the car with a chick after a hot date to plow but gotta tell her to wait to fight the chicken. what if your wife is pregnant? and as you get older it could really become annoying.

>dies from eating untreated recently butchered chicken

Chickens are absolutely disgusting, user. You'll get sick eating a recently butchered chicken.

its all good
>same dimension kfc, popeyes, and chickfila get their chicken from