How does he do it?

How does he do it?

Attached: brad pitt.png (578x487, 543.66K)

>How does he do it?
The answer: adrenochrome

Unironically smoking.

He looks weird now but I can't put my finger on why

he has the money to afford that Hollywood voodoo magic/surgery

Do what? He's ugly now

what is it literally that they do? it's like a list of things but whats like one or two of the things he does even

He doesn't look good. He has a naturally good bone structure/facial features, and that's kind of just the way you are. Even when you age, your face is still your face.
AGING-wise, he looks horrendous. His wrinkles are so deep he looks like he gets food particles stuck in them. His face is sagging so badly he has three jaws.

His eyeballs are a little too deep behind his wrinkly ballsack eyelids. His lips are not closing correctly, and the outline of his mouth looks plastered. Basically makes him look like he's wearing someone else's face.

do what? have deep wrinkles and a very obvious hair transplant?

literally lived a life in the "fake illumaniati" game cucking out for fake power. literally stupid fuck rich dude. classic 2022 nerd. str8 keking

brad pitt almost always looks like hes certain the people around him are in on some kind of joke that he doesn't get but he knows its happening

how many 57 year olds do you know? My parents are 56 and 55 and both of them look atleast 5 or 6 years older than Pitt. He doesn't look crazy young but he certainly could pass as 50 for most people.

top kek at this cuck on Any Forums

A little bit plastic surgery. A little bit good genes.

he clearly uses finasteride on his hair. see a celeb who now has long hair that seems oddly straight? That's finasteride.

My dad is 57 exactly. 58 in November. He looks way younger than Pitt. My mom is 59 and has basically no wrinkles.

K-Keanu bros?

a black person sees straight hair and starts making conspiracy theories

uses it on his hair? you take it orally. and it has no effect on hair straightness, it just crushes DHT levels to prevent hair follicle miniaturization. you seem confused.

didnt he have some surgery early on, kinda looks like his face is expanding outwards too far

Stolen gentile foreskins

lol what. he looks like shit, even for a multimillionaire. why do people who already look good think plastic surgery can save them? just continue to age naturally, a good looking person will always look good.

dont forget he got jaw surgery the same way zac efron did

Isn't this the creep that keeps dating girls in their 20s, or was that Dicaprio?
I imagine actual women are too much for him.

found the cool wine aunt