There hasn't been a genuinely funny comedy movie since the 90's

There hasn't been a genuinely funny comedy movie since the 90's.

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black dynamite

There have been no comedy movies, at all. Some movies have had funny moments, but no pure funny movies have ever been made

Tropic Thunder

Kung pow dumbass

Hot Fuzz.

Freddy Got Fingered

The Crank films if you count action comedies

the 70's stuff is funny for like 20 minutes tops... then it's just tiresome

the only funny parts were Tom Cruise and the Full Retard scene.

not sure what that is.



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There's pretty much no movie that came out after 2000 which is funnier than There's Something about Mary, you're right.

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21 Jump Street is universally agreed to be the last good comedy

excuse me sweaty?

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The Death of Stalin

>Only two people in the world know Kung Fu, the Chinese and the King!

>Black Knight
>Little Man
>How High
user, you crazy.


This. OP is a faggot once again

Paul Blart mall cop