Pilot episode is only 30 minutes long

>pilot episode is only 30 minutes long
>still nothing happens and is 90% filler
what went so wrong?

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That's by design. She-Hulk is just comedy filler.

even by marvel standards it was unfunny though

that is not a series but political propaganda, just like every other marvel movie/series

even the most prolific normalfags find this show retarded.

>filler is propaganda

i thought this was a movie

who else has a sneaking suspicion that these all female led efforts rely on more men then they pretend?
like the director probably has a beta nerd type
that is shadow directing everything, that goes for all the really technical aspects.

What were they thinking making a show like this now? Even the normiest normies have had enough of this feminist drivel. How do the Disney execs let shit like this get far enough to be finished?

>rants about femminism every 3 mins.
>shit production/editing.
>character assesination
its propaganda user

>Even the normiest normies have had enough of this feminist drivel
[citation needed]

>>character assassination
No it's in character, She was a cunt in the comics too.

>what went so wrong?

I don't know. The CGI on this new Shrek show sucks ass.

>Bruce's cousin, should know first hand the tragedies of both his childhood and recent years.
>"I'm far more oppressed than you, I have so much stuff to be angry about, I get catcalled (Yeah bitch, you wish), I ocassionally get told by someone I did something wrong (OMG the nerve) and I... I... I'm gonna get honor killed! (Oh yes, all those honor killings going on in New York law buffets)."
>50 year-old valley girl dipshit best friend who encourages her to be a cunt: "Like, your ass is like so cool and like stuff, you know."

Manbros... Are we the baddies?

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not like this user, not like this

This is always true. For every feminist initiative you see, there is a man working behind the scenes making it all happen and funding it.

So is the basic issue with this this is that they focus more on the SHE part, instead of the HULK part? Because I think it's more interesting that she turns into a green person with super strength, than it's interesting that she's a woman.

What is it about the she-hulk form that makes her cuntish face look better?

>if women don't stay quiet when some guy says "nice ass", that man will murder them on the spot

I fucking wish this was true

Normies like characters that obnoxiously spout feminist mantra?

No, most women are just perpetual children who throw tantrums over things that to an actual adult are, at most, minor inconveniences.
Bitch, where? Catcalling is not a thing in the US outside of minority-heavy ghettos and even there it's so pathetically halfhearted it's laughable, a couple of years ago some feminist bitch went to a ghetto and the most she got was "Hello beautiful" and "Good morning", and all from minorities.
Oh man, god forbid someone (But specially a man) dares to point out you're a fucking fallible human who can ocassionally make mistakes, if people aren't blowing smoke up your distended green asshole at all times they're oppressing you!
>Get killed
Certainly not in the US where 9 out of every 10 murder victims is a man.

Sounds like they want the Better Call Saul audience.

Fuck her and her anti-homeless benches.

They don't have good enough writers to pull that audience.

>I'd sooner pretend that all men are murderous than admit there's a nigger problem

>Written by Jessica Gao
>Directed by Kat Coiro

>"I'm great at controlling my anger"
My sister in Christ, you literally tried to either assault or straight up murder three men outside of a bar for simply annoying you.

AYO this the girl from ginger snaps 2!?

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People are copying tweets and calling them scripts and if anyone says shit they get called a fat, malodorous incel. Certain women are making it almost impossible to avoid being labeled a misogynist for sharing valid criticism of their "work."

She transforms into the Hulk as she says this stupid shit because she's legit seething over the mere hypothetical thought of being catcalled or, gasp, corrected by a man!

Problem is they didn't include the comedy part, so its just filler

1. Why does the actress look nothing like the Shulk she transforms into? The Hulk still clearly has Ruffalo's face, but with more monstrous proportions.

2. Does she break the 4th wall? Like that thing her entire comic series is about.

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A response to any woman posting their petty first world rage on twitter is born

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The actress is a 6/10 diversity hire to pander for the fug/fat pride movement.

The only moment I laughed was when she claimed she was getting catcalled, kek, you wish you assless cunt.

Yeah, Bruce can't relate to hardship or tragedy at all
Why do they continue hiring people who have never even glanced at the source material to run these shows

Do we see her hulk-tiddies? Not watching if not.