So Any Forums, which one did it better? Which was the more kids horror kino? Which was scarier? Which was more comfy?

So Any Forums, which one did it better? Which was the more kids horror kino? Which was scarier? Which was more comfy?

Attached: 878C1B06-46A5-478D-ACD0-C72D04BBE096.jpg (480x360, 43.91K)

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Goosebumps was comfier, better cunny but not scary and was pretty badly written from time to time.
Are you afraid was scarier, better written, and because it had reoccuring characters, it had its gold. I still haven't seen the finale.

Are You Afraid Of The Dark was much more Fren Tier. Goosebumps was much more Total Fucking Loser Tier. AYAOTD by LIGHTYEARS.

I prefer AYAOTD, it also had Elisha Cuthbert in her absolute prime

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Goosebumps was more kid-friendly horror. AYAOTD legit made me scared to wake up at night.

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it also had real human bean in one episode

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AYAOTD was more scary but Goosebumps was more sovl

Cuthbert wasn't in original AYAOTD. Cuthbert was in the zoomer tier reboot.

Sorry OP you forgot the best one of all

Attached: PLTVS4-Eerie-Poster.png (800x1136, 1.92M)

no one saw this. i saw a few episodes and it was nothing special. maybe list a few must see episodes?

Goosebumps has the music, and the monsters .
Are You Afraid Of The Dark was scarier , and better written

You can't compare these as one was clearly for an older audience.

Are You Afraid of the Dark is leagues better than goosebumps. Much better written and acted and with a better recurring gimmick. It was like the Twilight Zone for kids and hard to think of a comfier after school show.

AYAOTD was better, intro alone was creepy

P.S. Don't watch the reboots

Both were comply mogged by the NZ tv kids horror series "Freaky".

This one was Goosebumps

shit you're right, Goose was in Goosebumps once as well. I just googled "ayaotd gosling" and that pic was what came up

This. Goosebumps was kinda goofy. AYAOTD was genuinely unnerving.

they were for the exact same audience

I know that's just a mock-up for an advertisement but it's really weird seeing a VHS cover that promotes a Skype Q&A session

ikr it's a contradiction of terms

I'm not interested in talking about kids shows. I'm a grown man.

Then why enter the thread in the first place?

Forever Ware
The Tellers are welcomed to Eerie by Betty Wilson, who invites Marilyn to attend a demonstration of Foreverware, a very special type of plastic container: It's guaranteed keep anything fresh... Forever.
The Retainer
Marshall is scheduled to visit the dentist for a retainer. But he fears that he might end up the same way as the previous retainer recipient - He became able to hear what the dogs really say, and that was something they really didn't like.
America's Scariest Home Video
Stuck having to baby-sit Simon's younger brother on Halloween, Marshall and Simon fool around with their video camera. Unfortunately they end up trapping hiim in a monster movie, while a mummy runs wild in their house.
Just Say No To Fun
Marshall knows something's up when he's sent to the new school nurse instead of detention, and his suspicions are confirmed when Simon comes out from the sight check as a homework-loving zombie.
The Lost Hour
Marshal doesn't like the Indiana practice of ignoring daylight savings time, and sets his clock back an hour anyway. When he wakes up the next day, nobody's around... except some very untalkative garbage men, intent on sending him though the trash compactor.
Tornado Days
As the tornado "Old Bob" approaches Eerie, the citizens prepare for their annual tornado day picnic to appease him. But Marshall and Simon insist on staying home, and as the tornado chasing meteorologist left by Bob on his first pass-though tells them - and this makes Bob angry.
There were only 19 episodes total for the series

Because he's a gaymo that wants to try and ruin some fun and nostalgia, or he's just a faggot kike. Either or it's the same thing.