Rejected John Wick sequel script #176

>Rejected John Wick sequel script #176

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the gay man?

not as terrible as people say it is but it feels like an AI wrote the script




>it feels like an AI wrote the script
I've seen this so many fucking times lately. What youtuber have you brown zoomers been watching who taught you this shit lmao

i thought it was pretty cool. at least the grenade launcher wasnt wimpy.

The only exciting bit was recognising Pablo from Narcos in a small part

t. AI reply

I went in expecting a serious spy thriller and instead it was like if someone told Marvel writers to make a James Bond parody. terrible movie. and I usually like Goslings bad movies

the sun rising over the hedge maze during the final fight was kino as fuck

hell yeah gay man sisters

It’s more like a bad Jason Bourne knockoff

but he's gay

Dumb esl poster

goose here, star of The Gay Man™
it's morbin' time

Now don't laugh at this next part...

Attached: .png (1280x720, 838.97K)

>not as terrible as people say it is
You mean its worse? Wow, it must be a really bad movie then

the end was trash and makes the main plot irrelevant


>Rejected John Wick sequel script #176
it’s based on a novel that came out before John Wick. No idea how close to the book it is

That's why some folks say its shit. It feels like an MCU movie but with more guns and the MC basically just looks bored the entire movie. Basically the most generic big budget action movie.