So, is it kino?

So, is it kino?

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Too early to tell. Did people forget about the three episode rule?

Cheaped out on a horse and carriage i dropped it at the start its a fucking cartoon. i will give it another try later in the week though.

It’s pretty bad. Feels cheap, shitty casting, awful CGI, and the writing is really stilted. Won’t be watching more.

it's too early to tell
creating setup is incredibly easy, but providing payoff is much harder
this is still the setup phase and you can't even tell if it went wrong yet, we'll know later with the power of retrospect

Is there any ((biological)female) nudity?


It's not kino. It's pozzed globohomo trash that can't even attract the redditors. It was a flop, some reports coming out that less than a million people even watch the first episode. It's over.

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it won't be enough to bring back /got/ threads, so it's automatically trash to me

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>It's over.
it's only just beginning user

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It's feminikino and cringekino

This, I need to know to determine if I will watch it or not

I hear some reviewers got up to chapter 6 to review and the series only gets better. But no idea what is the timeframe for the season or if they are going to adapt all of the civil war in 1 season.

It hasn't even officially aired, you mongoloid.

as much kino as a prolapsed anus.

>here is game of thrones again, goy femcels but this time daenerys is an ugly mutt so you will have an easier time to identify yourself with the female protagonist!

The black characters are so out of place it ruined the immersion. I’m not even racist. First scene with the black Targaryen he was the “voice of reason” amongst the white politicians.

Passable for now
GoT premiere is far superior.

White people bad , men bad, women good, black people good, father's bad, mother's good, violence bad if from other side, violence good if from our side

>I'm not even racist
user... not being racist is not enough to not be racist in this day and age, the window has shifted and left you behind
In the words of Anakin; "If you're not with me you're against me"

Amazon has 2140p, please tell hbo max will too?


I read somewhere here that the monke actor is going to be changed to some nonbinary one in the fifth episode

hasn't even officially aired yet kek, just a leak
why would someone go on the internet and lie?

Who thought casting a tranny as the main lead was a good idea?

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Only actors to get recasted are the small girls.

reviewers... yep paid shills looking for diversity quota and lgbtqp themes. that's all there is. tick the right liberal boxes to appease Hershel.

Boy I wonder who would think that’s a good idea… probably a white Christian guy with 6 kids and a wife at home.

So far it's unattractive women talking to each other in front of bad CGI backgrounds. Casting is also terrible. Almost every person with white hair looks like an actor in a wig. Phenotypes are all wrong

on purpose. women dont let attractive people get roles anymore. that would be discrimination...

>the awful costume designs
>the cgi sets
>the weird faced actors
>the dark lighting
Some of the performances are alright but the writers are so awful, they start off the show with an exposition dump of the events prior to the story. It's as bad as the last 4 seasons of GoT but this time with really weird faces on it.

>>the dark lighting
they need that so you dont see how ugly the actors are