The Ninth Gate [1999]

Who else likes this movie?

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I do.

me. watched it a few days ago. 90's goodness but i dont understand the ending

Kino soundtrack.

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Who was she supposed to be? The whore of Babylon? An imp of Satan? Actually Satan? She clearly wasn't human.

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Whore of Babylon

When her character is introduced it's at a lecture talking about witches. The lecturer gets into the relationship between witches and their familars and it cuts in between her and Depp.

What's there to understand? He was 'worthy' and therefore is allowed to find the last page and enter the kingdom of Shadows

Point being that Corso was actually evil, as opposed to the other characters like Boris and lianna that only pretended.

Would YOU help Satan in exchange for power and sex with a hot lady?

The girl is the agent sent from hell to show Lucifer (corso) the path back to Hell. The girl (the whore of babylon) is shown as riding the beast on the ninth engraving. Corso is the beast. After spending some time on Earth as a mortal (as did God in the form of Jesus), Lucifer is ready to challenge for dominion over mankind after 2000 years of God's rule. Lucifer is the light, Corso is the Way (I am the light and the way). Balkan actually succeeded in summoning up Lucifer; foolish man just didn't recognise him when he arrived!

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because of the bitch. i sshe a witch or supernatural demon or satan or what? and why did he fall for her there was no reason

most would

>lights up his 100000 cigarette for the day

interesting some sporting event in the UK has an into ceremony of a black woman riding a large man made bull is this related i wonder

I really enjoyed it. Any other movies with a similar vibe?

What happens at the end bros?

The kubrick catalogue
The polanski catalogue

It’s revealed he is the beast (aka antichrist) that the is ridden by the woman, as described in revelations.

She was my crush

Bruh we do it every day frfr

It could have been better, Depp is a terrible actor

Mouths of madness from John carpenter with sam Neil kind of has a similar vibe imo

the ghost writer is better