Who is the most based black man in Television and Film?

Who is the most based black man in Television and Film?

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simon phoenix

The Meteor Man (1993)


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mmmmh...Blade maybe

any one of carl weathers' characters

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My nigga Cedric Daniels

My boyfriend uwu

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Idris Elba

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Gus "Sillypants" Jackson

Tuvok or Mr.T

that time urkel got drunk and almost died




He stood up to Soldier Boy with no powers, knowing he wouldn't win but didn't care

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Definitely Carl Weathers in Arrested Development


> Keeps women in line
> Turning Uganda into Wakanda
Kneel before your king and present your wife.

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literally NO ONE can compete

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>gets cucked

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the entire idea of "le based black man" is a leftist, jewish and republicuck (republicuck=/=right wing) psyop to get people to pretend blacks can get along with whites. they can't. accepting nonwhites into your society = death of white civilization, nothing more.

o shit is that Magic head?!


Denzel. It's remarkable how most of his movies make no reference to his skin color, which is actual "progressiveness", unlike modern media where writers make sure to have black characters constantly make reference to how they're black.

damn why does Don Cheadle look so different here