Lets try this again, whats the best TV show of all time?

Lets try this again, whats the best TV show of all time?

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Breaking Bad.

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I like 24, but it’s really not on the same level as the others.



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Sopranos, and you can tell by the fact every time you re-watch it's just as good

Agreed, its levels above

That would The Young Pope

Seinfeld and golden age Simpsons are the best. Twin Peaks pilot is basically a film and is better than any two hours of this other shit. Most importantly though: serialized television is a waste of time and its best stuff is overrated. Thanks for your time.

The sopranos by far

Everything else here is great though except mad men get that boring shit THE FUCK outta there

It gets even better because you skip through all the horrid Melfi scenes and the minute long fucking sequences with Gandolfini howling like an orang utan

Using shows in OP only:

Breaking Bad
The Wire
Mad Men
Better Call Saul
Boardwalk Empire
Twin Peaks

by far

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Is that worst to best or what nigger?

Grotesco säsong 1

The Golden Girls. And it's not even close.

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Should be obvious incel fag

Never cared for Twin Peaks, the hammy acting and soap opera shit sucks
>b-b-b-but it’s done on purpose! Lynch was making fun of them
Don’t care, still drags the show down

Maybe this is the thread I can complain about this in but it feels like bingewatching Boardwalk Empire was a mistake on my part, because you really start to notice how many editing cliches they keep overusing.
>something emotionally intense is about to happen
>train sfx start to roll overhead

>brutal murder occurs in public
>hystericalWoman.mp3 starts to play

>cut away from every single intense scene with an upbeat swing song from the era
It was getting to the point where you could play bingo or a drinking game.

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I don’t know hoss, sopranos is easily the best in the image and you either put it at 4th best or bottom of the barrel shit city big guy

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twin peaks

Sopranos is boring overrated tripe that couldn't bother to come up with a good ending so they decided to be "artistic" and just cut to black.

>Whiny mobster 'wah the ducks in the pool'

Filtered as fuck

The Wire
Mad Men
Breaking Bad
Fargo S1 and S2

I havnt watched even one of those shows

Gonna rank OP shows
1. Sopranos
2. The Wire
3. Boardwalk Empire
4. Twin Peaks
5. Fargo
6. Deadwood
7. 24
8. Rome
9. 24
10. The Shield
11. Mad Men
12. Breaking Bad
13. Shit
14. Better Call Saul

sopranos > mad men > twin peaks > rome > breaking bad > the wire > fargo season 1 > better call saul > deadwood > the shield > 24 > the rest of fargo > boardwalk empire

>24 twice