So what were all those big military demonstrations through red square? All those tanks and goose stepping riflemen...

So what were all those big military demonstrations through red square? All those tanks and goose stepping riflemen, where do they go when they aren't on some screen? Was it all just a pride parade? Do they all just go back to the barracks and have sex with one another? Why can't they win a war against a smaller opponent?

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2 more weeks

I just want Russia to hurry up an annex Ukraine or to fuck off I really don’t give a sh it what’s going on in slavnigger land or how many slavniggers die I just want cheap fuel again.

I think its more like Navalny takes leadership of Russia than annexing any of ukraine

This belongs on Any Forums
Oh wait, youll get laughed out the room
Maybe stay in your /k/ safe space than

They are winning. Nobody's coming to stop them and they've got the manpower to simply keep grinding until the Ukes run out of fighting age men.

While I actually support the Ukranian people and their independence, on the day Zelensky is dragged out into the streets of Kyiev and has his fingers clipped off with boltcutters following Russia['s victory will be glorious. Not because the Russians deserve to triumph, but because the sheer asshurt of Predditors and people like you who didn't know what the Ukraine was until the Jew media informed you what your opinion on it was will be like the finest cognac.

Where do you think we are comrade?

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IF he makes it out of the gulag, hes of no more use for his nato masters. Theyll likely see him die in captivity so they can make him a fake martyr

The Congressional inquiry into Russian "election meddling" turned up literally zero evidence.

Didn't happen.

No, zoom zoom. Russias trying the same shit using the same tactics as when i was a kid. Weve seen this bullshit before. They lose, you just werent born yet.

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Putin couldnt kill him if he tried
Weve seen this shit before

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They literally already took half of the country. The Crimea was Ukranian. So the question of "will Russia end the war with half of Ukraine" is already answered, the answer is yes.

The question now is whether they get half, or all. I'm betting on 75%.

Really makes you begin to notice things

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>haha the brain damaged boomers left on Any Forums woul laugh you out of the room

Simply repeating it does not make it so. The Ukraine will surrender probably before the end of the year. But if it goes on for six years--what difference does it make? The Russians get everything they want by doing this, and the consequences they will suffer are essentially nil.


Im guessing they lose ukraine. The donbas is mineral rich and the black sea peninsula is a valuable naval asset for the landlocked russia. But Putin is a homosexual and their military is rotten to the core with homosexuals, so they are not likely to take either.

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Russia will no longer exist within 20 years.

>their military is rotten to the core with homosexuals
pathetic mutt projection

what movie are you talking about

I dont think there will be a united russia party, rosneft, gazprom, or sberbank in 6 years. Definitely not a putin or medvedev in the kremlin.

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I like how you glowniggers stay on blue boards bc you get called out on Any Forums in an instant

>While I actually support the Ukranian people and their independence I look forward to the day all their fighting men are dead and they lose that independence because redditors will be momentarily upset about it before going back to drowning themselves in capeshit and bing bing whaoos, and thinking about that gives me a dopamin kick
You will behave yourself, Inshallah.

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(((They))) really control the world from the shadows, huh?

The rusniggers will never annex Ukraine at this point, that window of opportunity was basically gone after they fumbled in the first few weeks. It's impossible now, they're just in a gay stalemate. Best jewtin can hope for is the southeast, but I doubt zelensky will ever give it to him. So they're probably going to be sitting there for some time, until some new development happens.

хoхлы peшили чтo бopдa пpo кинo и cepиaлы пoдхoдит для caмoyтвepждeния, нy-нy) кaк тaм кoнтpнacтyплeниe, хpюндeль?)

>I dont think
Yes, you don't. Because you are completely delusional.

>oh no, the schizos don't like my opinions. Whatever shall I do.
Try giving your opinion anywhere other than Any Forums, you'll be laughed at and ridiculed immediately. You're stuck on a tiny irrelevant platform, you're nothing but a handful of psychos with zero influence.

Can you not open pictures?
First one that comes to mind is Watchmen but there are others with this trope

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Cвoбoдный Кpым Free Crimea Oбщeнaциoнaльныe poccийcкиe пpoтecты 2001 гoдa The nationwide Russian protests of 2001 Apecт Aлeкceя Haвaльнoгo The Arrest of Alexei Navalny Бopьбa пpoтив лeвых The Anti-Leftist Struggle Пpиpoдный гaз, иcпoльзyeмый в кaчecтвe пoлитичecкoгo opyжия Natural Gas used as a political weapon Пepвaя чeчeнcкaя вoйнa First Chechen War Ухyдшeниe cocтoяния Хpyщeвкaкa Mass Khrushchyovka Deterioration Coвeтизaция Sovietization Oлигapхи Oligarchs Кoэффициeнт К/Д Бaйpaктap TB2 и C-300 K/D ratios of Bayraktar TB2 to S-300 Яблoкo Yabloko Дeдoвщинa Dedovshchina Bхoдящaя в cocтaв Чeчeнcкoй Pecпyблики The Constituent Republic of Chechnya Aлжиp oткaзывaeтcя oт иcтpeбитeлeй Mиг-29 MiG-29s rejected by Algeria Teмпы иcтoщeния poccийcкoй бpoнeтeхники в Чeчнe Russian armor attrition rates in Chechnya Глacнocть Glasnost михaил cepгeeвич Гopбaчeв Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev Пьяный Eльцин Drunk Yeltsin кpyшeниe пepвoгo cepийнoгo Cy-57 Crash of first production model of Su-57 T-14 "Apмaтa" cнoвa зaдepживaeтcя T-14 Armata delayed again Кaтacтpoфa пoдвoднoй лoдки "Кypcк" Kursk submarine disaster Tigers Tигpы Admiral Kutzenov Aдмиpaл Кyцeнoв Boris Yefimovich Nemtsov Бopиc Eфимoвич Heмцoв Moscow Appartment Bombings взpывы квapтиp в Mocквe Civilian Airliner buk missile paкeтa «Бyк» гpaждaнcкoгo aвиaлaйнepa nerve agent on doorknob нepвнo-пapaлитичecкий aгeнт нa двepнoй pyчкe poisoned underpants oтpaвлeнныe тpycы Alexander Litvinenko Aлeкcaндp Литвинeнкo Moscow theater hostage crisis Кpизиc c зaлoжникaми в мocкoвcкoм тeaтpe Beslan school siege Ocaдa шкoлы в Бecлaнe $1.6 Billion a year to Kadyrov $1,6 миллиapдa в гoд Кaдыpoвy

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Haven't been on pol since all the maga redditors migrated there. Still full of demented retards awooing at based civnat blackmen and /ourjews/?

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They tried to drag ukraine into nato after the large blue/yellow marketing campaign, that failed
Now theyre only fortifying their nato borders and letting ukraine grind itself to non existence

anyways, how’s your counterattack going, my autistic small brother

Its 90% shills 10% ads
Just go to actual news sites at this point.
Any Forums has no information

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But if russia doesnt survive then the world is a better place

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Its going easy, the opponent is a gay retard.

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>russia doesnt survive
Russia will be the last country standing on this planet in every single scenario. Just how it is.

Russia is the literal HIV capital of the world.

Big ol kek

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Yep, everyone in the whole world outside of your schizo hugbox is a CIA agent. You got us!

I actually used to lurk Any Forums daily from its creation up until m00t nuked it. I would never go back there now and hang out with you schizophrenic kiketin dickriders. I actually even defended Any Forums here all the way up until you threw in with kiketin. But you're just too fucking stupid for me to defend anymore.

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Any Forums is utterly irrelevant schizo board now. Their orange clown saint is also gonna get locked up.

Why are your HIV rates so much higher then, if you aren't all faggots sodomizing each other? Explain that, Ivan.

>no arguments
Go freeze to death in yurop or die in agony from ass aids mutt faggot

Are they still worshipping that jewminion? 2016 thoroughly ruined this site beyond belief.

>HIV rates
how's that monkey pox treating your faggot ass, mcmutt?