Thirst (2009)

what the FUCK

>goes from cute innocent vampire flick to psychological horror cuck shit halfway through

was the cuck rape scene really necessary? what's with koreans and NTR?

why did he go to the camp to rape that girl in hopes they would go away if he was just going to kill himself right after?

why did he make that girl at the end a vampire before killing himself and gf? didn't he want to die because he realized they were both godless monsters?

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>he hasn't seen the sequel
she survives user

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>kills himself and his cute murderer gf
What a tiny dick fag that guy was, good movie tho.

You made that up

He didn't make her a vampire, he pretended to bite her so his gf wouldn't kill her because he decided to be a moralfag

it's my head cannon

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Minutes wasted…

damn i'm a brainlet thanks.

>the sequel
I liked it. but I feel like they jumped the shark in the third movie when she suddenly starts murdering zombies

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any other Park Chan-wook films worth watching? i've seen oldboy already ofc.

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Decision to Leave is his best imo

It's out, but you need to go to subscene to replace the terrible fanmade subtitles coming with the release

i'll check it out, thanks.

I also recommend the following short, where he reunites with Thirst's lead actress

And of course his masterpiece, The Handmaiden, if you haven't already seen it

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The Wailings pretty comfy. Bit convoluted but comfy.

This was overly hyped shit. Thirst is much better

Joint security area and the handmaid en are both really good, they both have a kind of weak opening that then blows your mind by the halfway point when you get the context for them

>popular is le bad

I've always thought Lady Vengence was his most enjoyable, and find it very underrated when talking about his filmography.

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They're all good honestly


Should i download this movie just because of the rape scene?

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there's a 4k hdr webdl version

would have been his most fun and rewatchable if not for the dreadfully bleak final act