I'm from Buenos Aires and I say it was was an insid- [redacted]

>I'm from Buenos Aires and I say it was was an insid- [redacted]

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What did he mean by this?

Attached: ironside.jpg (800x549, 99.94K)

what is even fascism? I will give a million dollars to anyone to explain me what fascism, the political ideology, is

Post-enlightenment industrial tribalism

Veerhoven is a retard who didn’t get the point of the book, which was to explore the context of democratic republics in its original Ancient Greek context through a sci fi novel. Voting in a society was historically ONLY for those who made up the military, the Ancient Greek states were military brotherhoods that overthrew their kings. This has been thr tradition of democratic power forever. In Athens, rowers in their navy, poor landless men, were granted the right to vote in elections. In Rome, only through military service could a pleb gain the right to vote. In early America, Andrew Jackson and the Democratic Party come to power because poor men who serve in the local militias are granted the vote.

What is the point of conspiratorial thinking when it's clear you don't even believe in the conspiracy theories you're promoting? Is it like Flat Eartherism? People just do it to be abrasive and for attention?

It wasn't inside shit cocksucker. Bugs with ass nukes and FTL drives were perfectly capable of the strike on Buenos Aires.

It's cool

so communism? see this is the retarded thing about it, nobody knows what fascism is, they just repeat it because saying nazi is banned in some countries like germany, but fascism is very similar to comunism it isn't even centered around race or human classes like nazism, it is pretty much communism but with a different name and created by italians without the clear semitic details comunism has

If you say so pewdiepie

Attached: pewds japan.png (1279x664, 695.7K)

Continuing on the examples, Nixon lowered the voting age to 18 specifically Bc 18 yo were serving in the military. Blacks were granted the right after the Civil War in large part to them fighting in the war. The reason the south never actually armed blacks is Bc doing so would mean granting them the franchise.

This movie and story is in no way fascist, it’s pure Republican democracy. This was basic civics that everyone knew too until recently

Slaves comprised a majority of the population for most Greek city states (as in 80%.)

>Bugs with ass nukes
sounds like my ex wife!

the word fascism comes from latin and it is a group of sticks put together to make a very strong axe, in other words it is based on the importance of the people as an unity than as individuals who exist only to make the nation better, say with industrialism or with expansionist wars, etc. which communism also had, the difference is that communism was the take on these ideas by Karl Marx and transformed into a disfunctional ideology doomed to fail for whoever applied it while fascism actually works and it is the form of communism communist societies who haven't self destructed themselves applied to themselves, like Rwanda, like Singapur, etc.that's fascism, and it is not racist at all just very harsh towards anything that the government considers bad for society, like for example in Singapur they banned gum



>fascism good
Only trannies think this. Also n words and cuckolds (fuck you for deleting this the first time.)

Attached: nazi europea 45.jpg (4304x3808, 3.36M)

>"Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State"

They weren't a liberal or democratic society. It was basically an oligarchy that was run by the top 10% of brown people.

>"I'm from Buenos Aires and I say Argentina is white!"

Fascism and Communism are ideologically opposed. Fool

the book is literally "Legend of the Galactic Heroes" for brainlet westerners.

Communism is for the working man. Fascism is for the elite.

Attached: biden communism.png (1189x738, 970.19K)

communism doesn't create real prosperity because people are not rewarded accordingly for their achievements that help into making their society better, in other words you own nothing and nothing you do makes you have a better life because everyone but the government aren't allowed to own shit, this leads to the decay of the Soviet Union, anyone worth something in that place left to live better for his achievements, this is the kikery in Marx's take on these ideologies, he makes capitalism the enemy of communism, while capitalism is not a political ideology or a way of living, it is a means for production, societies will always have capitalism all you can do is regulate it to make sure it is fair for everyone, this is why fascism works, they realize there will always be a market, there will always be capitalism and that if regulated so everyone can profit from it then it benefits everyone as an unity, everyone works for everyone, while in communism who was created with lots of jewish tricks what you achieve in the end is a huge inequality between the government and the working class, the jew and the goyim, both ideologies are the same and created under the same bases but they deviate in their take on capitalism

communism: everything is owned by the government

fascism: everything is controlled by the government

who is the govenrment? and which one gives more power to it?

>fascism: everything is controlled by the government
lol Fascism invented privatization. It's basically just a society in which the needs of private business are given the utmost priority. Wages are cut and workers are slaughtered if they resist.