ITT: Movies you just don't like

ITT: Movies you just don't like

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Watched this yesterday, was good. But the accents were fucking distracting, people there don't really talk like that, right?

What am I missing?

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Nothing, you're sane and normal.

Not a big fan of Batman Begins either.

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>I’m King of the Black People Lois

I don’t get it. Why couldn’t they have at least made Walken head of a dying Irish mob or something?

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I don't really remember movies I don't like all that much. I don't obsess over them.

Shrek 2. I think the storyline is awful

Watch the documentary about the guy who made it and how he fucked up his big chance by being an egotistical retard.

Law Abiding Citizen
Preachy gore porn

Yeah that was a great doc, I just don't get the movie beyond that it had some action scenes

The Social Network

what a fag

Explain it then, if it is so great

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>Loses everything after going against Weinstein
Makes you think

Harry Potter. I fucking hate the British and everything about them.

Yeah its real shitty. Basically like a music video of references

raging bull
'ate deniro's overracting
'ate muh family melodrama
'ate muh gabagool mobshit
'ate pretentious b&w
'ate le farthouse fights
'ate scorsese's misanthropy. many such cases

Lol butthurt they colonised you I bet

This thread is weak.
You mean Schrader's misantropy.

good point but it's both of em