PLEASE NO TROLLING, I want a serious discussion on this topic. Thank you

PLEASE NO TROLLING, I want a serious discussion on this topic. Thank you

I am trying to raise my kid with progressive values in mind. I am very happy with how Blues Clues approached the concept of pride and content that is not heteronormative. I want my son to grow up in a world where love is love, and where he recognizes all different types of love.

What are some other shows that teach progressive values? Thanks.

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the absolute state of modern bait

trans ppl aren't gonna win

i've seen the most agreeable, liberal, left-leaning women turn into absolutely vicious cunts once they realize ppl are forcing their shit on kids

biology always wins

Just cut his dick off bro frfr.

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When did Any Forums start hating transfolk? Is this a Any Forums psyop?

Love is love, and also monkey pox

>I want my son
pretty presumptuous of you to assume your child's gender, chud

nice b8 groomer

I have spoken to my son (he is 7) and explained the concepts of gender roles. He identifies as male. Thank for you for concern though!

Progressive values always win. it is evident in all developed countries

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Bumping once

What religion is that?

Something rubs me the wrong way about referring to people as "humans". Like when normalfags are like "Date night with my favorite human! :))" I'm probably just an autist who finds ways to get annoyed at and pick apart everything though.

rich people post these signs in their 100% white neighborhoods. the attitute will change entirely if they're middle class living among black people.

What is the actual dislike/like ratio on this?

the water one is some weak ass shit can't we replace that one with something about everyone being trans or something

>No MAPs float in the parade

Is Blue's Clues bigoted?


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that things like five years old now. they weren't pushing for pedo acceptance yet.

Fuck I can't wait for MAPs to get traction

No I'm not a pedo, I just want to see these people devour themselves over the issue

>western faggots raise their children with TV

>gay dolphin in a wheel chair

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Fuck off retard

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>Pokémon creatures
A kid would never say it like that

Lmao. Any more from this artist?

>water... GOOD!
>trannies... GOOD!
>paedophiles... VERY GOOD!

Fuck I hate liberals

who gets embarrassed over shit posted on Any Forums?

Did the baby alligator lose his leg in the war?

Sister, I hear you!
Just mutilate xers body, mutilate xers genitals. Set xer free from the childhood.
And of course use hormone blockers.
And to teach xer love hire some well known pedophile. This xer will perfectly fit into society! Me and my hubby did it and nuna feels themself amazing!!!

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I tried having sex with a trans prostitute once. "She" looked hot as fuck in all her pics.

When we met she didn't look as good but still surprisingly feminine. Then we started fooling around and everything was off.

She didn't smell feminine. She didn't kiss feminine. Her body felt wrong even though she had fake tits and thing waist. The proportions, smell, feel was just all off.

Couldn't get it up.

Next time you're jacking off the transporn, remember all the subtle (and not so subtle queues) you're missing that your brain would pick up on irl to let you know you're fucking a man with fake tits