In February 2001, Ashley Ellerin, whom Ashton Kutcher was dating at the time, was murdered

>In February 2001, Ashley Ellerin, whom Ashton Kutcher was dating at the time, was murdered.

>While never a suspect, Kutcher testified at the 2019 trial of serial killer Michael Gargiulo.

>He stated that on the night that Ellerin was murdered, he (Kutcher) had arrived to pick her up for a date, but that she had not answered the door.He said he had seen red liquid on the carpet through the window but assumed it was wine, not blood. His information helped establish the time of death.[49][50] Gargiulo was found guilty and sentenced to death on July 16, 2021, for her murder.

>Ashton later said he was not aware she was also having an affair with his landlord

How’d Ashton Kutcher get away with this

Also why does he look so kino with a moustache

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Kutcher saves kids and helps bring awareness to human trafficking so in this instance she must have done something to warrant it

Reminder that Ashton Kutcher

>had a sexual relationship with Mila Kunis when she was 14-15 and he was in his 20’s during THAT 70’s SHOW
>married her in 2012 and this isn’t considered grooming for some reason
>testified to Congress that he watched illegal videos of little girls fucking grown men as “research” for his charity against human trafficking

Even multi millionaire actors get cucked by normie roasties that can't even keep their flappy fishbowl pussies in their pants.

I'm happy to hear when they get brutally murdered

>in 1967 after marrying actor Donald Sutherland. She became involved in the American Civil Rights Movement, the campaign against the Vietnam War, and later on behalf of immigrants and women. She helped establish the fundraising group "Friends of the Black Panthers". In 1969, she was arrested in Los Angeles for Conspiracy to Possess Unregistered Explosives. According to a sworn statement by FBI agents, she allegedly attempted to purchase hand grenades for the Black Panthers using a check from those FBI agents. As her defense, she claimed the FBI was framing her by creating a crime where none existed prior to their involvement. Subsequently, the FBI denied her a work permit based on this allegation. Douglas, by then divorced from Sutherland, left America in 1977. She and her three children moved to Toronto. The judge eventually dismissed the case.
Hollywood actors literally get away with terrorism, murder is nothing.

Attached: Photo_of_Shirley_Douglas.jpg (300x225, 9.86K)

What about Paton?

>And like, you know, Jackie and I were totally on a break!
>Hyde had no business just swooping in like that!

The only terrorists mentioned in your greentext are the FBI.

based loli protector

>Michael Gargiulo
cool ass name

t. black panther

Dangerously based

Die nigger DIE

He’d be good for a Howard Hughes biopic

His normal acting style matches Hughes pretty well so he wouldn’t have to stretch himself

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>According to a sworn statement by FBI agents, she allegedly attempted to purchase hand grenades for the Black Panthers using a check from those FBI agents.
Wait... What?

source on second claim

FBI has done this all the time since the 50’s

Look up any major “terrorist” arrest of groups today and most of the people in said groups pushing for the terror attacks or murders or kidnappings are literally FBI agents

It’s why their cases fall apart all the time

Remember that case of the evil right wingers who were gonna kidnap the left wing governor?

Case collapsed this year and they all went free... because literally the entire leadership of that group who ordered it done were undercover FBI agents or informants.

All this shit went down while Sutherland was filming Kelly's Heroes in Europe and Eastwood laughed at him.

>He’d be good for a Howard Hughes biopic
But the aviator was already kino

Google “Ashton Kutcher marries mila kunis”





meant the watching cp thing

Take a buddy under your wing & teach him everything he needs to know. It's called paying it forward. Respect

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>Also why does he look so kino with a moustache
Because he's handsome

Oh that’s in his testimony to Congress.

He did it and for the pettiest of reasons