I just saw this

Holy shit this was cringe.
Do americans really still think they are Number 1 after these last years or was this directed to nostalgic boomers?
I bet granpa got a boner watching this in the retirement home.

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If they aren't number 1 then who? China? Russia?

come to think, we've lost every war since korea.

We've lost every war since it was desegregated.

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You are the undisputed number 1 in the nigger and tranny cathegory.

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America is #1. Your country exists because we allow it to. Cope and sneed. America is based.

Look up the gulf war.

I'm not American but I really enjoyed it.

US is still obviously number 1 by a significant margin. Not because we're so good, but because the rest of the world is somehow so bad still.

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>Your country exists because we allow it to.
If you were to cut your exports, the impact would be zero.
China is our daddy, deal with it.

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Ror ching chong

Russia is Russia and china blew it's load trying to play catch up too quick. The other contenders tend to be limited by other shit. Maybe this will end up being a india century after all.

Literally the other way around. China doesnt have the capacity to protect its borders and its trade. If the US wanted it could collapse 75% of the world just by not upholding global trade anymore. I hate knownothing retards like you

is nigger beast criminal one word in chinese, can someone give me the translation

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黑 is black color
鬼 is demon

畜生is animal
罪犯 is criminal

yep literally just stop air drooping condoms on Africa and all the chinks will get raped to death with rocks and sticks.

True enough. India has its own cultural issues that prevent them from geopolitical dominance though. It'll be interesting to see how the next decade pans out.


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After Russia embarrassed itself in Ukraine, and Tom Cruise called the chink’s bluff, it’s starting to seem like these lil niggas are all bark and no bite

>Do americans really still think they are Number 1 after these last years or was this directed to nostalgic boomers?
No? Did you even watch the movie?

The whole point is that navy command is utterly incompetent and out of touch and can't figure out a way to execute the mission without 100% losses, the enemy even has a huge technological edge.

Victory is only achieved by wholesale rejection of authority and procedure in favour of teamwork, cooperation and the repeated testing of one's personal limits, that is what the entire opening test flight scene is about, that is why the mantra of "it's not the plane, it's the pilot" is repeated so many times.

This film flat out rejects nearly all of the core values of the navy and the very idea of American exceptionalism and champions a humanist/individualist philosophy instead.

Small dick. Small GDP per capita.
You wipe me long time chang.

Based educated user.

Another argument…US owes so much to smol dick china. if they decide to go to war with us, forget about paying them back lol

>film about US Navy in 2022
>At least 73% of characters are not trannies or flaming homosexuals
Needs to be categorized a fantasy film

Hi Keith. On a scale of 1 to 10, how mad are you?